Sound Healing Hypnosis Song #528: “Deep Water”
It’s Day 34 of the Current 90 Day Transformation Challenge.
We are 1/3 of the way through. Is stuff shifting fast enough for you? This Sound Healing Hypnosis Session is designed to calm you, turn up your levels of self love and smooth the waters you are sailing through in your own Transformation Challenge.
Here’s what My good friend Michael Guerin wrote me today in response to this song:
“your songs have been a godsend!… really and truly.”
and I have to say that even tho I’ve know Mike for over 10 years, he never really listened to my music until this Fall… when some personal stuff came up that he needed to “process” through. He sat in my big blue hypnosis chair and I just played for about an hour… a deep shift happened that he is STILL talking about today… Then we didn another session on January 9th and “People Are Hungry For Connection” and “Why Does it Work Out” both EMERGED…
so my point is… In case you haven’t quite gotten it yet (it’s taking ME awhile LOL)….
These songs are hypnosis sessions.
Wide awake hypnosis sessions that take only a fraction of the time a “regular” eyes closed hypnosis session would take…
When you let these songs get stuck in your head, they REPLACE the often TOXIC negative SELF TALK that we ALL engage in…
Once we stop saying mean stuff to ourselves we can create and experience a better reality.
Just sayin’
– Mark
p.s. How are you doing? Drop me a line!
p.p.s. Still struggling with the “Trump Anxiety” syndrome? Please check out my CRUSH anxiety Courses (satisfaction guaranteed).
p.p.p.s. I’m in the process of creating a “members only” level of content for those of you who would like to go deeper with me without breaking the bank. Check it out. It’s called “The Inside”
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