A Hypnotic Song… Behind the Scenes… of YOUR Conscious Mind… deeply supporting Your Unconscious Mind…
I don’t know if you’ve had the chance yet to see the first video released of the Last Concert waaaaay back in Ole’ November… or not…
Here’s a link to that in case you missed it:
Song #518, “Rain” Live With the Rogue Mystics
Please remember that most of my recent songs are actually wide awake HYPNOSIS SESSIONS…
But here’s what’s going on behind the scenes TRIGGERED by how freakishly AWESOME that video is for me to watch…
(and hang with me here because I’m attempting to make a significant point for YOUR unconscious mind).
1. MASSIVE FRUSTRATION…. (the good kind. The kind of friction that I always feel when I WANT MORE…) Imagine the fire in the belly of a hungry lion out on the Serengeti who just caught a whiff of an entire herd of zebras and wildebeests. He hasn’t eaten in days and the ground is starting to RUMBLE with untold THOUSANDS of potential meals….
For you vegetarians, IMAGINE a hummingbird crossing the stormy Gulf of Mexico from South America and sighting the welcoming coast of Texas with gardens and fields and forests fragrantly redundant with the most nourishing BLOSSOMS promising SWEET NECTAR that will FUEL the rest of your 4,000 mile migration to upstate New York… :o)
or simply IMAGINE a 56 year old COMPULSIVE songwriter who has been “failing his way forward” for 40 years, “Going for it”, falling down, brushing himself off and getting back up over and over again, working on his own “crap” with NLP and Hypnosis to change his own mind, change his limiting beliefs and behaviors and then getting back at it with tools and techniques to manage his internal world better and better… all in search of a way to get SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU to listen to this music that just keeps INSISTING that it wants HIM to DO SOMETHING more than just sing it in his living room…
Yeah that ALMOST describes the INTENSITY of what’s going on “behind the scenes” in Mark Shepard’s world.
I want to see MORE of Andrew’s videos. I HUNGER to see MORE of Andrew’s videos… And at the moment I don’t have the cash flow to pay for more. So that MOTIVATES THE ____________ [choose your favorite expletive here] out of me.
2. FRUSTRATION LEADS TO ACTION. So Tuesday, inspired by how damn good my son Andrew’s video of me is, I made a commitment to do more video wherever possible and to start expanding my comfort zone around video. The reality is that it’s not enough these days to be Just a musician. People are visual and they want to see the music actually being made… So…
3. On Tuesday, in the recording studio with Joe Mennonna… I EXPERIMENTED…
I went in to record the basic “reference” tracks for the next 4 songs that I want Joey to work his arrangement MAGIC on. Rather than record in the vocal isolation booth, I set up my two video cameras out in the main studio where the light is better and hit record while Joey hit record on the gazillion dollar uber high end German Microphone…
4. And in the next few days, I’M GOING TO SHARE THEM WITH YOU.
And what that means is that I need your feedback. I want to know what you think. And by “feedback” I don’t mean that need your opinion about whether or not to do more or less of the video thing. That’s just a given.
I need to know if having video and top quality sound helps YOU to get these songs into YOUR day, your life, your neurology in a positive way. The whole point of EVERYTHING I’m working on is to make a positive difference in the lives of people around the globe like YOU.
I need to know if you would like to have the actual audio in ADDITION to the video or if you would rather just wait until the fancy produced arrangements are done in a few months… Does that make sense? And I need to hear from you regardless of whether you’re one of my teen followers from my Bullying Prevention programs or met me at a conference or got to know me over at Unity or at the Food Co-op or from one of my NLP trainings or whatever. ok?
Here’s the link to yesterday’s Live Video with the Rogue Mystics (just in case you didn’t catch it yesterday)
Song #518, “Rain” Live With the Rogue Mystics
And here’s the “Behind the Scenes Video” of the first song I recorded on Tuesday…
(I started learning how to go from one camera to the other to keep the images somewhat more interesting than a single static shot.)
Got it?
I’m so glad we had this little tawk.
Phew! I feel so much better…
Heading out to California today to give my big pitch to Jason Capital for having me perform “Rain” and “Keys To Your Cage” at his big “Elite Men’s Symposium” event in January. You can help me by IMAGINING HIM SAYING “YES MARK!” and IMAGINING the 500 guys in the audience all rushing to download the audio tracks for $1.29 LOL. :o) and IMAGINING all 15 of the songs from the concert in November being seen by a ton of people… :o)
Thank you! that helps a lot. Remember the power of your own mind.
NOW. Your turn. Your Mind Mastery Message and Assignment for today (should you choose to accept it):
What FRUSTRATES YOU so much that you might actually DECIDE to join us in the next 90 day challenge?
Your assignment today is to write that stuff down. and then bitch slap that frustration into a powerful, positive, self fulfilling PROPHECY.
Here’s mine for an example: Why do I freaking find a way to raise money to pay for editing the rest of the live footage from November 19th! ASAP!
Now your turn. Why do I _______________________________________? [fill in the blank and get intensely EMOTIONAL about the whole thing] then repeat out loud, write it out by hand etc. all day.
Seriously do this today (of course only if you choose to accept the assignment). Take your frustration and turn it into something positive and powerful and add “Why” or “How” to it and start chanting that over and over again… Then notice what ideas or solutions pop in… AND take IMMEDIATE action on at least one of the ideas that show up. That’s it.
– Mark
p.s. TRIVIA alert: the big painting in the background of the videos at Joes is one I did WAAAAY back in the 1990’s that I gave to Joe and Lucy for their wedding. I started painting because music HURT too much. Just sayin’ it’s been a long road… :o)
p.p.s. BTW I will be raising the basic price of my audio downloads on Bandcamp.com to $1.29 very, very soon. For the moment you can still download ALL of them for free just go to http://MarkShepard.Bandcamp.com and put “0.00” in the price box and grab these tunes now (of course you can pay more if you want and that is ALWAYS appreciated but more than anything I just need you to really listen to these songs and get them into your life where they can do some damn good! Whew. done.
I love youse guys. Thanks for being there for me. Deep appreciation for you zoooooming to you right now!
BOOOOOM! outa here!
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