A Happy Friday SHOUT OUT to The Transformation Nation!
I want to start by welcoming all the action taking “1 percenters” who took the plunge and stepped boldly into my new course, CRUSH anxiety NOW! yesterday to get the sweet “beta test price” and get started on their 31 day journey towards calm, confidence and personal mind mastery.
I sincerely bow to the divine within you. Way… TO …. GO!! :o)
Please remember I am here and ready to answer your questions.
Today I want to shift my focus a bit and get back to one of my other favorite topics.
Taking exquisite care of your body.
And BTW, this is also a helpful anti-anxiety tool to add to the tool kit. When you are moving your body it helps to dissipate and relieve stress, tension and those “nasty” fight or flight hormones… So let’s begin shall we?
Today we explore… The absolute best exercise of all time…
and it just so happens that
The Best Exercise Of All Time
…is the one you will ACTUALLY do… :o)
Today I have one simple exercise that will get you results, faster, “easier”, better… without risk of injury or pain.
It feels so good to do it that you will want to do it more often. And it only takes a minute.
For many of us who are busy living lives in the modern age of “crazy busy” the idea of having to put everything and everyone on hold so you can go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week, is the greatest obstacle to sustainable, life long fitness…
Personally I hate interrupting my “flow” to get in my car in order to go to a gym. I’ve done it from time to time in the past, but definitely not a fan.
I’m running three businesses and I have a very active social life… Spending hours at the gym is NOT gonna happen.
PLUS. I hate the fact that every damn gym I’ve ever been to has constant Television blaring bad news and commercials for drugs and other crap…
Not to mention the THUMP, THUMP of the shitty music bombarding you as you work out…
[oooo I feel a “rant” coming on]Not to mention the cost… and most of the trainers are poorly trained with often old knowledge that is already outdated by the latest scientific research. I have also personally known several people who got really hurt working with some hot shot personal trainer…
To hell with all that!
And yet at age 54 (turning 55 in November) I’m more fit, more healthy, more energetic and stronger than ever before…
I practice and advocate a fitness program that is perfect for people who are making the transition from “coach potato” to warrior… or for people over 40 who have a lot of demands on their time, or even older folks who want to maintain muscle mass and the ability to move through their days pain free and able to go to the bathroom unassisted until their last day on this lovely planet… Hey. I’m the honest hypnotist remember? Going to the bathroom unassisted is one of life’s great dignities!
It’s principles are simple.
- Very slow movements. For very short, intense time periods. By taking away all momentum we increase the work it takes to do any exercise. In effect we make it harder. And by making it harder, we increase it’s effectiveness throughout the movement range. Because we are going slow for short periods of time, we can make any movement into a workout that can be done, any time, anywhere. Right at your desk. For a minute.
- Compound movements. By doing movements that work multiple muscle groups we avoid imbalances and we strengthen muscles that we actually might use during a day of living. We strengthen real muscles that combine to work your core as well as your extremities. By doing movements that call upon a full range of muscles throughout a particular exercise, we get a more balanced, practical distribution of strength. We essentially work more muscles and that adds to the fat burning abilities of this system.
- Short. Intense. Slow. Graceful. Pleasurable, Meditational Movements. We increase the pleasure and the meditational, mind set that causes your unconscious mind to “want more”… we want to trigger the “ooooh that feels so good!” response deep in your unconscious mind so that you get healthfully “addicted” to moving your body intelligently. A labrador retriever NEVER needs coaxing to play “fetch”. We want to trigger that play factor in your “animal” mind/body so that it’s FUN. If it’s fun and feels good, you will want to do it more. Right? (BTW I’m not a big fan of sitting to meditate. The last thing we need to do is sit more. I prefer MOVING meditation.
Here’s a simple example of just one such movement:
A couple of other thoughts, the experts in this method who I’ve researched and modeled, say essentially that if you trained this way for a full half hour doing several different compound exercises that worked your entire body thoroughly, you wouldn’t need to do it again for a full week. This is such an intense workout that you need to allow your body to rest…
As you may know Rest and Recovery time is crucial for building muscle.
The problem with that is that once a week is not enough repetition to make it a Habit.
So I’ve modified the process of “slow burn” so that I do a little bit almost every day, throughout my day. Whenever my computer is processing something. or Whenever I’m waiting for something to be ready in the kitchen. Or even if I’m on the phone.
BOOM! I’m doing a slow squat or one of the many other movements that my body LOVES to do… slowly, consciously.
I’ve also gotten rid of my desk chair and I work standing up. I even bought a treadmill to walk on while I work. Not because treadmills are great or anything but because I want to literally increase my movement. Movement is what our bodies are designed to do. Our paleo ancestors moved pretty much all day, everyday. And we need to find a way to get back to that without sacrificing our current ways of making a living.
Sitting has been pretty definitively proven to be one of the absolute WORST things that you can do to your health.
People who sit all the time, even if they go to the gym regularly are at far greater risk of dropping dead…
Suddenly… or slowly…
Either way not optimal. :o)
So I’m not suggesting that you suddenly devote your life to peak performance physical fitness. However I am suggesting that perhaps you might consider that you can get started in some small way today…
Why would today be the perfect day to start exploring this?
Don’t take my word for it. Only you can try it yourself. Right now. Do this one single exercise today. Do it slowly. Do it consciously. Breathe. Love your body. Be present.
Now get back to your life.
peace and grooviness,
– Mark
p.s. If you’d like to go deeper with me in this area of fitness, health, weight loss, etc, check out my course called,
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