The “Myth” of Fast Results
those sweet sacred moments between waking and sleeping… slowly rising to the surface of awareness from deep dreams…
And ahhhhhhhhh
the smell of coffee brewing…
and then the harsh sound of a phone ringing…
[here’s the video version in case you like that better or keep reading below the video]OH! It’s my friend Michael Guerin calling me on the phone…at 7:30 AM eastern time…
If anyone else called me that early I would NOT appreciate it. LOL
He was driving back from the airport and had some rare, uninterrupted time to talk.
In so many ways Mike is the foundation for my success here at HonestHypnosis.com.
Just in case you think the “Mark Shepard” you see here at Honest Hypnosis got here the easy way, you might want to consider that Mike and I started helping each other with our online businesses back in 2007…
It’s been almost 10 years of trying different ideas, different approaches, different cameras, different websites, different niches… in some peoples eyes we’ve FAILED more than anything.
But here’s the deal. We all want fast results. Some people seem to get them. But usually it’s because they “Primed the pump” and put in years and years of trial and error, failure, giving up too soon, whatever…
Here’s what I mean:
When I rolled up my sleeves and wrote my very first program, “The Clear The Fear Fast Home Study System” I did the best damn job I could do to translate what I was doing with my clients, many of whom paid $3,500 to work with me, into something that a person could do on their own and that would only cost $900.
I recorded it professionally with my sound engineer, Joe Mennonna, and got it professionally printed… it cost me thousands of dollars to produce… and it was an 8 CD set with a massive loose leaf binder of a manual.
I think I may have sold 3 of them.
3… of… them….
So THAT clearly wasn’t the way to paying my bills. :o(
It was a massive struggle. A huge learning curve. What some people would call at “FAILURE”.
And then the entire economy went into a meltdown in 2008. My private practice just crashed. The phone stopped ringing. My debts mounted…. and I ended up kind of… homeless… squatting in an empty apartment in a building being foreclosed on by the bank…
But even then I kept at it… I couldn’t afford internet so I parked my butt at starbucks and worked there…
Putting my entire NLP Certification Training up online… A MASSIVE project…
and one that that I think only 3 people bought… (but they were some of the BEST people I’ve ever MET. So I forced myself to smile and call it a “win”. )
Then I moved to the middle of nowhere in upstate New York and kept at it… then moved to Schenectady… and kept at it… trying different approaches, different ways to communicate what it is that I do… online…
My girlfriend at the time basically came right out and called me a “loser”… a “failure”… told me to “get a job”… and it hurt…
But whatever I did just didn’t seem to be “good enough”… (Transformation Nation member Margaret asked me about a course for help with the “not good enough stuff” and trust me I’m working on a course about How to install “good enough” in your unconscious mind :o)
And then one day it all came crashing down on me…
I just couldn’t take it any more.
And I was ready to unplug all my different websites and just call it quits.
I called Michael Guerin and said, “Dude. I’m just gonna shut all this shit down.”
I think at the time I had:
ClearTheFearFast.com – my first program
CrushAnxiety.com – my anxiety prevention course
ModernJedi.com – my online NLP trainings
ReluctantSales.com – my persuasion power for shy professionals
ShyGuyHelp.com – my site for shy men
DrumSongStory.com – my storytelling site
BullyingPreventionNow.com – my bullying prevention site
MarkShepardSongs.com – my music
I had poured my heart out into each of them… but it was too many directions… I was overwhelmed and burned out…
I was working hard, but not really noticing that I was making progress…
And it hurt. I hurt as much as my anxiety clients hurt before I help them…
Hurt… just plain hurts… and we want it to stop… and sometimes we react like a wounded animal…
and that’s where I was. It all started because I wanted to share my songs with the world… and I couldn’t… and it became a legendary, epic adventure that I would have gladly avoided to stay home in the “Shire with the other hobbits” LOL…
But Michael Guerin stopped me.
“Don’t quit he said. I’ll help you.”
And he did. You see on HIS journey (which kind of mirrored my own), he was totally intimidated by the fact that he didn’t have a website and had paid a guy thousands of dollars for a website that never got built…
So with my encouragement, he started teaching himself how to build websites…
I was one of his first clients… He practiced on ME…
First he helped me set up a website to market my hypnosis practice to my new hometown of Albany NY.
Within 6 months my practice was up again and running and I was knocking all the other local hypnotists down off of their perches on google… That was pretty much all Mike’s web design and Search Engine Optimization knowledge put into practice.
Plus my willingness to make video after video even though they were pretty bad… I kept at it… learning. adjusting, learning some more…
the story goes on…and on…
but the point is… And yes there IS a point Mildred! LOL
It (whatever your “it” is) often takes longer than we think it will.
It often takes longer than we want.
But when you have someone helping you who has been there, done that, who has long hard won experience, they can settle you down and encourage you to have at it one more time and then another time and another until one day you too have the experience and the wisdom you’ve earned.
The greatest mistake I made in my 30 plus years of being an entrepreneur was trying to make it work all by myself.
Screw that stiff upper lip, solitary struggle shit. BLECCH!
I helped Mike to clear his agoraphobia and social anxiety, his fear of the phone etc. He had tried to clear that alone for years and I was able to help him with that, faster, easier, better. But it still took some time and effort on his part.
Once he discovered there were tools and techniques he could use to understand how he was creating his anxiety and then clear it, he applied the tools and got results.
And on the flip side, He’s been able to help ME in so many ways that I can’t even begin to tell you.
Without Mike you would probably not even know about me or be reading these words right now.
Because he experienced my work first hand, he knows how helpful and valuable it is, and when I wanted to quit he insisted that I keep going.
Ultimately that’s what I want to do for you.
I want to insist that you keep going…
You are worth it.
You are getting closer.
Stay the course.
I got an email from Transformation Nation Member in good standing, E. yesterday that really confirmed this, he’s been trying valiantly to crush his anxiety and just didn’t see that he was making progress, he ended up speaking to someone who had managed to clear it who said, “I just went for a 5% to 10% level of relief and worked from there…”
BING! A light went off for E. He’d been thinking that anything other than 100% instant anxiety relief wasn’t relief.
Well, like me, with learning how to share my music and hypnosis work with people who ‘get’ it, I wanted instant, massive results, E. had to discover for himself that sometimes slow steady improvement is where it’s at.
But we also have to learn to stop beating ourselves up for our apparent lack of success…
It’s just a journey… success is taking the next damn step… and then the next…
So regardless of your level of anxiety or your dreams for a better life, a better future, today is where the rubber meets the road. The small things we CAN do today, matter. They DO make a difference.
You have me now.
I am here every single day rooting for you.
I totally believe in you.
If I could spare you the learning curve to make your progress, faster, easier, better I would. I can save you time by modeling for you how your mind works and the tools and techniques you can apply to take charge of your own change and master your own mind for that change.
Faster, easier, better… IS possible…
AND ultimately it comes down to YOU taking action.
Some action is more like a drowning swimmer flailing away…
We are talking INTELLIGENT sustainable action…
Facilitated by having a coach, having a mentor, having a team, a tribe, a community that supports you, loves you, believes in you…
Well, THAT my friend makes all the difference. You still have to do your work. You still have to take action.
But the thing that puts you over the top is the fact that you are not alone.
Innovators often live on the edges or the “fringes” of the larger culture.
Like Jonathan Livingston Seagull in the classic 1970’s bestseller by Richard Bach, we can only go so far by ourselves… and then others begin to be attracted to our different way of thinking because it offers them freedom.
Soon, even though he was rejected and ejected from the “flock”, other outcasts began finding Jonathan and asking him to teach them how to fly better…
Today you have me.
And… behind the scenes making everything work… is a guy by the name of Michael Guerin… He’s overcome his own anxiety and built the kind of life most people can only dream of… he works from home. He’s there to take his kids to the bus stop and to meet them at the end of the day. No time wasted in traffic or dealing with bureaucratic nonsense.
So when I ask you to email me and tell me your story, ask me your questions, I mean it.
This is a two way street. When I can be useful to you through my songs, or my words or a course or video it helps me to know you are out there practicing this stuff…
It keeps me fired up and motivated to put in the hours… and I put in a lot of hours at this and I LOVE doing it… I like knowing that it is actually making a difference in folks lives… but I will do it regardless.
Great music usually starts with the composer alone in his solitude… but it doesn’t really EXIST until it is shared WITH an audience. In a way the audience is the CO-CREATOR. It’s a shared experience that lifts both listener and performer up and transports them someplace neither could go to alone…
And I want to reward your attention, your desire to go deeper and to truly benefit from my years and years of experience CRUSHING anxiety in my own life, and helping others to do the same.
Sometimes you just need to know you are not alone. Sometimes you just need someone to hang with you while you put some new ideas into practice…
Ever watch a kid learn to walk? They just practice RELENTLESSLY. They may cry in frustration at times, but they get back up and give it another go…
Today. My new course, CRUSH anxiety NOW! is in it’s last day of “beta testing price”.
It’s currently $59 but going up at midnight to a modest $99 bucks.
It’s 31 days of me coaching you.
Working with you. Encouraging you. REMINDING you to use your tools.
I set it up so that it’s as if you came and did a private session with me every single day for a month.
NO ONE could afford that. I couldn’t afford the time to do that with ANY client. I don’t care how much they paid. And even if you had all the money in the world, NO ONE goes to work with ANY COACH every single day. It would just be too much.
Even Olympic athletes and coaches have days off.
HOWEVER, you CAN have that kind of persistent support every single day with this course. And at it’s current price it’s a little over a buck a day… plus at the end, if you don’t think it was worth it, you can get your money back…
Seriously? Yeah SERIOUSLY. We’ll take all the risk to give you a chance to check it out with a clear mind.
I will still be here for you with the Mind Mastery Daily every single day whether you buy the course or not, but if you want to go deeper, if you want to give yourself the benefit of having the same tools in your tool kit that Mike and I and all the amazing folks who have jumped in in the last few days, have in ours and that we still use every single day “as needed.”
The time to take action is now.
Eventually CRUSH anxiety NOW will probably be priced at about $300 which would be about $10 a day. Still cheap. I would rather make less money and help more people, but a lot of times if something is too cheap people don’t respect it or value it or it makes them suspicious that there is some “catch”.
And there is a “catch”.
YOU… are the catch.
Will investing in yourself motivate you to “get your money’s worth” and actually apply the information immediately in your own life?
Only YOU can answer that.
If you’re ready. Here’s the link.
CRUSH anxiety NOW! For only $59 bucks
If you’re not ready that’s ok too. No pressure, No rush. It’ll still be here when you’re ready it just may cost more.
But please at least take away this thought today:
It always takes longer than we want.
It is our desire for results that moves us forward.
So I beg you to be patient with your own journey, your own process and trust that even if it seems like there is little progress going on with you, under the surface, roots of transformation are growing and finding nourishment.
– Mark
p.s. THAT was a hell of a good cup of coffee!
p.p.s. Get it before midnight
CRUSH anxiety NOW! For only $59 bucks
[wpdevart_countdown text_for_day=”Days” text_for_hour=”Hours” text_for_minut=”Minutes” text_for_second=”Seconds” start_time=”1446141174″ end_time=”0,10,1″ action_end_time=”show_text” content_position=”center” top_ditance=”10″ bottom_distance=”10″ ]Times up![/wpdevart_countdown]p.p.s. Speaking of things taking longer than you think they “should”. I’ve been working on this Mind Mastery Daily post since Mike First called me at 7:30 am… it is now almost 2 pm… And you know what? It’s all PERFECT! ttyl
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