Your Mind Mastery Daily
A New Song “So Be It. Amen”
I’ve been busy. Not only working on a ton of new courses but this week a new song came in, inspired by a talk given at Unity by Rev. Crystal Muldrow. She very articulately spoke about the word “Amen” and how we often pay little or no attention to the idea of “So it is” or “Let it be” or “So Be it” at the end of our prayers or meditations.
One of the most fruitful areas of personal development for me, has been the ability to “allow” whatever IS to be to just be.
In other words being able to accept “reality” without fretting, or stressing, or “wishing” it were different. I think it’s a powerful way to appreciate and acknowldege where we are. It doesn’t mean we have to “settle” for a life or relationship or a reality that doesn’t serve us, it means we find a way to allow everything to serve our cause of personal improvement and expanding awareness.
Here’s the song. It’s a bluesy “gospel” style song for us “Spiritual but not Religious” folks. In this case the reference to “Lord” is ultimately to the entire Universe, Creation, All That Is, The immensity of unknown and unknowable that stretches on out to infinity…
It’s a simple chant designed to communicate with your unconscious mind in a positive and transformational way. You may notice that I’m pretty deep in trance while I sing it… I also had fun adding a little harmony track to it…
So be it! Enjoy!
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