3 shiny leaves growing at the edges of forests and fields, it turns red in fall and even has berries that birds love. What is it? It’s EVERYONE’S FAVORITE PLANT!
Poison Ivy!
If you’ve ever had it or known someone who has had it, you know that it can go on for weeks and weeks and weeks. Itching. Oozing. DRIVING YOU CRAZY.
This might be helpful.
Particularly if you live somewhere like upstate New York where poison ivy flourishes.
In the course of learning how to master our minds we often discover that the skin is quite responsive to our thoughts and beliefs.
It IS our largest organ and often reflects our emotional state. Many studies have been done where a highly suggestible hypnotic subject is guided into trance and then told their skin is being touched by a hot coal when in actuality it is being touched by an ice cube. Often the subject will manifest a blister EXACTLY as if they were burned.
In the case of poison ivy, some people seem to be far more reactive to the irritating oils on the leaves. What if you could decrease the time it took to get over poison ivy and increase your basic immunity to it in the first place?
My friend Mike Covey, got a massive, nasty case of poison ivy last week. As one of my NLP students he UNDERSTANDS that HE is the most powerful hypnotist in the world (for himself). He asked me if I’d do a Hypnosis session with him to support his unconscious mind shaking it off and healing his screaming skin.
So we did and I recorded it, keeping in mind that it could be used by other people as well to boost their immunity to poison ivy.
Even if you don’t have poison ivy, you might want to check out these two short videos just in case you need to remember this as a resource for the future.
Here’s the short “Before” video:
Here’s Mike’s “After” video only 6 days later.
If you or someone you know has trouble with poison ivy, you just might want to check this out.
The full 20 minute “eyes closed” audio Hypnosis Session for Poison Ivy is now available
p.s. at the very least use the pics above to learn how to RECOGNIZE and AVOID the damn stuff!
In the meantime, drop me a line, let me know how you are!
Got questions? I have answers and I want you to have them, so…
photo credit – Copyright: gsagi / 123RF Stock Photo
photo credit – Copyright: mtruchon / 123RF Stock Photo
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