When Family Resists YOUR Change
Sometimes when we begin to work on ourselves and improve the way we think and behave, the people we love can be a little bit (or a lot) threatened by the “New You”. The “family comfort zone” is in need of being expanded or challenged.
Here are some encouraging thoughts to keep in your mind so that you can stay on course.
Trust me they will thank you later! Who knows? They might even join the Transformation Nation with you! Just don’t get too attached to it Because it may take a while! :o)
Here’s a quick exercise to add to your Daily Mind Mastery Take Away.
Check in with your “mental Movie Screen” Notice where your “loved ones” are.
Center? Life Size? Larger than life size?
Notice what happens when you gently and lovingly adjust your internal representation of them to somewhat smaller size… Better?
Now shrink them down to child size. Put them in shorts if you want. Move them down and over to the lower left hand part of your “mental movie screen”. How does that feel?
If you can put them in the same “frame” that you would put a pouting 5 year old who isn’t getting his or her way you may find it easier to not take their reaction to your emerging magnificence so personally.
And that’s the key. Particularly if you have a history of being a “pleaser” like so many of us…
Give that a shot and let me know how it helps you today!
Got questions? I have answers and I want you to have them, so…
Photo Credit – Copyright: isselee / 123RF Stock Photo
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