Hypnosis is Actually Managing Your Flow of Thoughts
In this extremely short Mind Mastery Daily video I explore how your thoughts are like a river or waterfall. When we use the knowledge of how our minds work to support the direction we desire to move in, it’s the difference between swimming upstream against the flow or downstream WITH the flow.
You still have to be in charge of your course, but going WITH the flow is a HELL of a lot easier, more fun and ultimately faster…
Here’s the video:
When we stop trying to “force” the world to be the way we THINK it SHOULD be… and start appreciating that it is PERFECT, and start noticing that we can use the energy of life to support ourselves rather than frustrate ourselves, we start to make progress.
Got questions? I have answers and I want you to have them, so…
P.S. Here’s your “Song of The Day” to support your groove: Flow Through Me (inspired by THE Jim Fuller)
Photo Credit – Copyright: sekarb / 123RF Stock Photo
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