By the way the word “fan” as in “Baseball fan” doesn’t come from people waving fans at themselves during hot sports events. it comes from the word “Fanatic”.
I used to think my dad was a “Fanatic”.
A Health food NUT!
I used to think “Yo Lighten up old man, have a damn bowl of ice cream and a cookie…”
But at a certain point my Dad, Lewis M. Shepard made a DECISION to take charge of his health.
Looking back at it now I see that he actually used Honest Hypnosis to literally hypnotize himself to say “no” to crap food and “yes” to sustainable healthy eating and exercise habits.
So he began around the age of 45-50 to take exquisite care of his body. He also started changing his thinking. HE’s the guy who first turned me on to Anthony Robbins and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
Now, at age 88 he swims 2-3 times a week, does the slow burn resistance training I’m always talking about and puts many 20 and 30 year olds to shame with his endless, exuberant energy…
I got him to sit still long enough for an interview this morning.
Check it out!
Your Mind Mastery Daily “take away” today is to do one small, simple thing today to love your body. That’s it. What that is depends upon YOU.
- Maybe that means drinking more water.
- Take a walk.
- Smoke one less cigarette
- Eat one less thing that you know is bad for you.
- Practice some empowering “Why” questions like, “Why does it work out better than I can possibly imagine?”
- Say “no” to something you don’t actually want to do.
- Say yes to healthy, unprocessed food.
- Do something self loving for you.
One thing. Today.
And I will see YOU on the inside!
p.s. for more of my Dad’s health ideas combined with Honest Hypnosis and NLP Mind Mastery check out my Weight Loss and Fitness Course: “It’s Not Just About The Food!”
Got questions? I have answers and I want you to have them, so…
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