I was messing around on guitar and got into a pretty cool groove that I wanted to record so that I could remember it later.
Rather than record it on my I-phone, I just set up my camera (which has pretty good stereo mics), hit record and words started to flow in…
I just jammed and sang anything that came to mind.
No need to make it perfect.
Just flowing…
BTW Please do NOT get attached or pay any attention to that actual MEANING of the lyrics… they are already changing.
Part one of this video is really to give you an idea of my “process” of songwriter as well as what it’s like to see someone deep in trance…
I invite you in to watch this usually very private moment…
and then?
Keep watching for Part Two: today’s “take away” packed Daily Mind Mastery Transformation Tip…
BTW if you actually do the daily assignment in each of these posts?
What would your life look like a month from now? A year from now? Just saying’. This could be a pretty awesome gang of mind masters to hang out with… Everybody applying the ideas and taking small steps each day towards your own greatness! WOW! It CHARGES ME UP!
Here’s the video:
Today’s assignment is to take whatever you “don’t want” and flip it inside out so that you describe what it is you actually DO WANT.
Keep me posted on your progress ok?
Peace and grooviness!
Got questions? I have answers and I want you to have them, so…
p.s. If you haven’t jumped on the Mind Mastery Daily Transformation Tips VIP list, you might want to consider doing it right now… and then actually do it… right… now! (see you on the inside! right now!)
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