![Conversational Hypnosis?](https://honesthypnosis.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/42207090_s.jpg)
Ever experience Conversational Hypnosis?
Of course you have.
You just don’t realize it is happening all the time.
In This exciting episode of “Mind Mastery Daily” We go DEEP… into the art and power of…
a.k.a. Conversational Hypnosis…
Most of the time it is so subtle that you NEVER notice that you are being “massaged” into taking some small or simple action that SEEMS like it is totally your idea… Well, it IS your idea and YOU are the ONE taking the ACTION… But you are taking action because someone SUGGESTED to you to do so in a way that HARMONIZED with you’re UNCONSCIOUS mind.
Check out this short video…
(it could totally change your life for the better or at least make you thirsty for more of this kind of powerful knowledge):
Afterwords I’ll break down for you what I was doing…
(and BTW the suggestions I make here in this video are simple, benign and something you should be doing for your own health anyway so chill out and relax about the whole thing ok?
I’m not suggesting that you drop 20 pounds, or quit smoking cold turkey by next Wednesday, or stop procrastinating this instant or suddenly get inspired to passionately pursue your dreams and everything you’ve always wanted to be, do and have… To be honest you have to PAY for that shit! LOL… But this was a lot of fun to do and I hope you enjoy it in a spirit of fun and curiosity…)
Here’s the video:
Okay, Let’s unpack this. Here in random order is the stuff I remember doing in the video ( I was pretty deep in trance myself so some of what I did I might not even know):
First of all, I mention that I just drank some water… Then I give a direct suggestion. “Hydrate”…
I make that suggestion right up front before you realize that I’m making a suggestion, “Hydrate” Drink more water… You will find it in a lot of my videos. It’s just a plain positive suggestion that is pretty universal. WE ALL NEED TO HYDRATE MORE… If you want to lose weight? Hydrate. If you want to stop smoking? Hydrate! If you want to make more money? Hydrate!
Then I start babbling some random stuff about thinking about thinking and bouncing around in a parallel universe… LOL who knows where THAT shit came from! :o) But because neither one of us knows where I’m going with that, it literally causes you to go into trance… not a heavy sleepy trance but what I call a “wide awake transformational state.”
Your unconscious mind is like, “huh? what? where is this going?” In other words it hooks your attention…
Then I open a story loop… “I had a thread….” and then I literally pretend it’s on my hand… So I start to tell you a story about myself and my weight loss course… “It’s Not Just About The Food!” and then don’t quite finish it. I start talking about something else then eventually get back to it…
BTW any story you hear whether it is on the news or from a friend telling about what happened on their blind date, it causes trance in both the listener and the teller…
And when they get interrupted by something, quite often they forget where they were and you forget where they were in their story even though a moment ago you were literally hanging on their every word? That’s real, everyday hypnosis.
WE SPEND MOST OF OUR LIVES IN TRANCE. So we might as well learn how to use it right?
While I’m talking about my weight loss hypnosis course, I talk about LONG TERM CHANGE. and YOU having the most powerful tool in the universe for creating positive change (between your ears)… then I run through a bunch of numbers, (for some reason counting causes a lot of us to go into trance as well…) the weight I’ve been monitoring and keeping track, (the suggestion here is keep track of your progress) then I begin to teach a little bit about your unconscious mind and how we are all hardwired to follow the path of least effort or least resistance…
Then I debunk the “Santa Clause” Hollywood hypnosis myth that all you need is one session and you’ll never crave crap food again… all the while I’m teaching you some REAL stuff about you how to communicate to the “Animal” of your body… Honestly.
And ultimately the main suggestion of this entire video and blog post is:
You can do that can’t you? It WOULD be good for your wouldn’t it?
But you will only ACT on that suggestion if it makes sense to you and if you agree that it would be good…
And if your unconscious mind agrees and your conscious mind and your unconscious mind get together on this, you just might find yourself drinking plenty of water from this point forward… taking water with you wherever you go… making sure that your water filter is fresh and clean so you stay hydrated and healthy…
If you would like to explore how you can USE my knowledge and experience to change whatever it is you want to change, Jump on to the Daily Mind Mastery list and I’ll give YOU first dibs on the cool stuff I share here every single day…
Or check out my growing catalog of kick ass transformational self help courses to get you specific results in your life, faster, easier, better. You. In charge of your change.
When you’re ready to master your mind for a change and take your life to the next level I’ll see YOU on the inside.
or maybe you just want to hear how amazing I am as a singer/songwriter… It’s ALL about transformation baby! LOL
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Please feel free to share your thoughts below. And if you would like to contact me directly simply click the button…
Contact Mark Shepard, ChT, NLPT
Photo credit – Copyright: olegdudko / 123RF Stock Photo
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