What if not solving the “problem” that you thought you were solving (as fast and easily as you wanted to) was actually the key solution to solving a much bigger problem?
In my experience small, “inside the box” thinking leads to small results. Ultimately I’m looking for people like YOU who are open to something greater, more powerful, more transforming, more enriching than slapping a band-aid on a boo boo…
I’m seeking people like you who are willing to invest their time, talent and treasure in transforming their lives for the better…
Folks like you who are willing to begin thinking “outside of the box”, my “Transformation Tribe”…
Here’s what I’m talking about:
I got a text from one of my Weight Loss Hypnosis Program Grads, Paula last night.
“I want to THANK YOU SO MUCH — I really feel like I’m coming into my own, and it’s incredible! You have touched me and inspired me and led me to fill myself with SPIRIT — I feel so alive! And my health is better than I think it’s ever been. Thank you, so much, Mark!”
When she signed up for my “It’s Not Just About The Food!” program, she was
- In an unhappy 20 year marriage
- Employed way below her intelligence and skill level
- Dealing with severe life-long allergies
- Attempting to soothe her frustrations by eating and shopping.
A year later,
- She and her husband are now friends and in the process of an amicable divorce
- She is now fully engaged in work as a corporate trainer
- She still has multiple food allergies but her health has noticeably improved
(She’s already agreed to be a volunteer to demo my Allergy Release program coming soon) - She has made progress with her food and exercise choices
- She has more than one guy interested in her romantically
Is she now a professional weight lifter? Bikini Model? Olympic Tri-Athlete? No.
Has she made massive and significant progress owning her journey of personal transformation and recognizing that SHE is the hypnotist in her life?
Has she lost weight? Yes.
As much as she wanted to? As fast as she wanted? No…
But she understands that it is a process that she is in charge of. And She is making progress.
Working with me through my courses is an investment that has exponential LIFE LONG returns.
The main point I want to make today is that a lot of times we start working on some obvious challenge like “Losing Weight” or “Stopping Smoking” or “Seeking Relief From Anxiety” of some kind…
We clearly understand that it is a “problem” that we HAVE to find a solution for…
So we get to work and the first thing we try doesn’t work. So we cast a wider net. The next thing we try doesn’t work either… So we keep looking… Eventually, after trying “everything else” someone says, “Have you tried hypnosis?” So we think, “Ah! that sounds good! I just sit in a chair and some guy hypnotizes me to change! Sure! I’ll give that a shot!”
And so you do… But the “presenting problem” persists.
This is a key transformational concept so PAY ATTENTION here:
In fact, this was so true for me, as I attempted to heal myself of a multitude of crap that was keeping me from getting my music out into the world, that I called it my
It forced me to keep working on my shit, step by step, day after day. It reminds me of the old spiritual that was sung a lot during America’s Civil Rights Movement: “Keep Your Eyes On The Prize!”
The problem that causes you to get into motion and stay in motion because it is driving you crazy with frustration and miserableness is actually a gift. If you just quickly fixed the presenting or purpose problem without having to do any deeper work, what have you really accomplished or learned? Not much.
And ultimately I’m convinced that we are not here to have perfect little lives. I believe we are here to learn and grow and explore the nature of transformation.
Does that make sense? One of the reasons I had a REVOLUTION in my own thinking was because I saw a pattern play out over and over again in my private practice.
- Someone would come to me to solve a problem with hypnosis that they had been unable to solve in any of the other attempts they made. It doesn’t matter what the “presenting problem” was, smoking, weight loss, anxiety etc. THAT’S what they came to FIX. In their minds they just needed some “Silver Bullet” or “Magic Pill” and ZAP! problem gone without them having to do anything other than show up for their appointment…
- They’d pay for a few hypnosis sessions and get a little bit of improvement but then snap back or slide to their old patterns... Rather than pay attention to what I was attempting to teach them about their own minds, or sign up for enough sessions to actually get some work done, they would just blame me or hypnosis for their failure to change: “Hypnosis didn’t work!”
Really? In my experience hypnosis ALWAYS works. But the hypnosis of a client to stay the same is sometimes more powerful than the hypnosis to change. In my experience the “presenting problem” is usually the symptom of something deeper that needs to be addressed. It’s the PURPOSE problem.
In the case of Paula above, she did enough work on herself through my course, It’s Not Just About The Food! to realize that her eating patterns were not the actual problem. They were the symptom of being frustrated and miserable. When she rolled up her sleeves and went to work on resolving her marriage and career challenges, when she began to engage fully in her life, the other issues began to shift.
Is she done with her transformation journey yet? NO!
Has she made MASSIVE progress in multiple areas of her life? YES!
This whole thing is what has led me to shifting my entire hypnosis practice to be focused on the people who get this powerful fact:
The most powerful hypnotist in the World is the one between your ears.
But if you don’t know how to BE YOUR OWN HYPNOTIST, if you don’t know how to pull your own strings… then you are like a Ferrari being driven by a 5 year old.
Not a pretty picture.
But you can LEARN how to DRIVE the Ferrari of your OWN MIND.
So today.
I challenge you to wake up to your own IMMENSE POWER.
Wake up to the power you have between your ears.
Stick around. Learn. Pay attention. What if you could learn how to run your own mind for a change…
… To MASTER your MIND for a CHANGE.
Rock on Woman! Go for it! Keep at it! PERSIST on your PATH with heart.
I’d love to hear from the rest of you! Use the handy contact form to let me know how you’re doing!
If you are open minded and willing to take action that will serve you for the long term, check out these courses:
- Smoking Cessation: Stop Smoking Dammit!
- Weight Loss: It’s Not Just About The Food!
- Anxiety Relief: CRUSH anxiety NOW!
Questions? Comments?
Please feel free to share your thoughts below. And if you would like to contact me directly simply click the button…
Contact Mark Shepard, ChT, NLPT
Photo credit – Copyright: paktaotik2 / 123RF Stock Photo
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