Why Do People Dread Mondays?
Isn’t that just about the dumbest question someone has ever asked? LOL
EVERYBODY knows that people hate Mondays because that’s the day they have to go back to work and sell their time (and life) for the almighty dollar.
What people really hate is that they were just starting to have fun and relax and chill out a little bit by Sunday and now they have to put their dreams and the things they want to do aside for another week…
The pattern I saw over and over in the clients I worked with here in Albany NY, was just that grim hopelessness that working in a state bureaucracy brings.
Albany is the capital of New York State. It’s a pretty big, populated state and there are a LOT of state workers. Shuffling their papers. holding on until they can retire and finally start living. Of course for most of them, by the time they finally retire they are so overweight, so stressed, so bored, so sick and tired, so “used up” by the system, that their retirement is just as bad…
Along the way they may have used alcohol and food and other substances to sooth the pain of it all…
They literally TRAINED themselves to settle for something they call “life”, which is actually pretty far from it.
So the reason Monday’s suck for most people is that ultimately Mondays symbolize cubicle slavery and the quiet desperation of doing what you are “supposed” to do along with all the other slaves.
If that’s YOU, it’s not your fault. You were hypnotized by the mass culture to be “good,” to “do the right thing”. You most likely have a family to support. You have skills and abilities, you have training and college debt to pay off… so off to work you went…
Bit by bit they ground you down… New ideas? Forget about it. Just do your job. A better, faster way to accomplish something? Shhh keep that to yourself, if the big bosses hear about that we’ll all be out of a job… Keep your head down. Don’t ask too many questions… and on and on it goes… Soul killing shit.
Of course if you’ve been reading your “Mind Mastery Daily” you know that all cubicle slaves are literally in a state of mass Hypnosis…
But what if?
What if YOU took charge of YOUR own Mind.
You can still LOOK like all the other good little workers (for the moment).
But on the inside? Where it Counts?
You can be a WARRIOR fanning the flame of FREEDOM!
What if your “day job” was the key to you breaking out of the jail of your mental constraints? Merely part of your freedom plan? What if you realized that this thing called life is too precious to just waste it on doing work you loathe, then coming home miserable and “self soothing” your misery by eating crap, drinking crap, watching crap TV or playing endless video games that simulate real life adventures? Doing the same old same old?
You don’t have to walk in to your boss’s office today and quit. But you CAN take your first step towards freedom today.
What if you realized that your time before and after work was totally and completely your OWN.
How can you motivate yourself to start USING your personal time to create a master plan for your life and then step by step put it into action?
The answer to my obviously self serving question is this:
You learn how to communicate with your unconscious Mind so that you begin to live your life as a “warrior”.
BTW This article may be more for my guys out there who are tired of being emasculated by the “system” into well behaved little bitches… (but women are just as oppressed by this and besides I also think there is nothing hotter than a woman warrior going for her greatest vision of herself!)
BUT… WHAT…. IS…. the bottom line on this Monday morning?
Or did you settle somewhere along the way?
Are you going to go passively and obediently into that long good night?
Or are you going to fight and claw your way into an incredible adventure called your “life”?
Every great adventure starts with a powerful thought.
Every great invention starts with a powerful thought
Every great relationship starts with a powerful thought
Every great athletic accomplishment starts with a powerful thought…
Are you ready? Here it is:
“What if I could?”
“What if I could ________________?”
Today I dare you… No I double dare you… NO I DOUBLE DAWG DARE YOU… to ask yourself that question.
No worries about finding the answer today. It IS only Monday after all.
But throughout the day ask yourself,
WHAT IF I COULD? What if I could? What if I could?
Allow your imagination to play with it while you’re shuffling your papers today… just repeat that question. You might want to jot down whatever cool ideas spring up. But mostly I just want you to repeat the question.
As I’ve said before and will say again: Questions are the key to communicating with your Unconscious Mind. Ask powerful questions and you will get powerful answers and action and ultimately RESULTS that please you.
What if YOU CAN?
BTW If you would like to learn more about how to run your own mind so that you can be, do and have more and more of what you want and less and less of what you don’t want, you might want to check out my newly updated, “Meet Your Unconscious Mind”.
I’m releasing it soon… you can kill to birds with one stone by signing up for your “Mind Mastery Daily” The un-censored, HONEST thoughts of a RENEGADE hypnotist! By taking that small revolutionary action, you’ll also get first notice of how you can get access to “Meet Your Unconscious Mind” and other kick ass Personal Power and Transformation Tools.
Questions? Comments?
Please feel free to share your thoughts below. And if you would like to contact me directly simply click the button…
Contact Mark Shepard, ChT, NLPT
Photo credit – Copyright: konradbak / 123RF Stock Photo
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