Mark Shepard’s
Mind Mastery Daily: The Power of Suggestion
Most people think hypnosis is this big MAGICAL thing that some guy DOES TO somebody else. Nothing could be farther from the truth!
This will probably deeply disappoint you but here is an actual example of REAL Honest Hypnosis:
Last night before I went to bed, I set my alarm on my phone for 6:00 am. As I did so, I gave myself the gentle yet firm suggestion that my unconscious mind wake me up 5 minutes before the alarm so that I can wake up easily, and gently. Then I thought of a few of the things I wanted to get done this morning (including this Daily Mind Mastery article).
And then I released myself into a deep, restful sleep. Ahhhh….
This morning I woke up at 5:55! Easily. Effortlessly. Who woke me up? MY UNCONSCIOUS MIND! Thanks UCM!
That happens regularly. THAT is a perfect example of the kinds of things that happen when you actually make friends with your unconscious mind and learn how to drop in suggestions that move you towards what you want and away from what you don’t want…
Try it. Start giving yourself suggestions and keeping track of when your unconscious mind delivers. I’ve found lost money this way and other items I may have misplaced.
Again this is not magic and this is not somebody else DOING THIS TO YOU!
Back in the Fall of 2014 I got serious about dropping the famous “last 20 pounds” and really getting myself to the next level of health and vitality. I made that suggestion, strongly, powerfully, and REPEATEDLY to my unconcsious mind daily.
90 days later I was down 20 pounds and a pant size. My energy level was higher than ever… I logged my daily results on the scale and my weekly measurements. And it was fun as hell to see the progress.
But here is the kicker. I didn’t just passively make the suggestion to myself and then sit on my ass eating potato chips while watching re-runs of Starchy and Hutch.
I got rid of ALL forms of sugar. I started doing intermittent fasting. I got rid of my chair and started working standing up. I built MOVEMENT into my daily schedule. I got a mini trampoline and started using it every day… I began experimenting with what I call “Slow Burn Resistance Training”.
And I got the results I wanted.
Does that make sense? You “get” that right?
I wish I had $100 bucks tho for every weight loss client I’ve ever done hypnosis with in my private practice who showed up EXPECTING that I would MAKE them get off their asses and work out even though they “Hate exercising”.
If I had $100 bucks for every person who EXPECTED hypnosis to MAGICALLY make them stop soothing their anxiety with food without them having to focus their minds in a different way on a daily basis.
If I had $100 bucks for every person over the last 20 years who wanted me to somehow lower their stress without having to say “no” to unrealistic demands from their Boss or Business…
I’d be rich.
Of course I’d be rich if I could MAKE all those people do the shit that they didn’t want to do too. But that is just Hollywood Hypnosis Hokus Pocus. It’s the MYTH of hypnosis. It’s the MAGIC PILL seeker literally lying to themselves and looking for someone to blame for their failure to get their shit together.
And ultimately because I know how to run my own mind I actually am RICH! I live exactly the way I want. Do What I want, When I want… Freedom is what most people want with money anyway right?
The Truth is: Honest Hypnosis is actually HOW you get your shit together!
Any peak performer or successful business person, top athlete, masterful artist or musician has used self hypnosis to get themselves to do the things that the slackers are too lazy to do.
How do they do it?
By making intelligent suggestions to themselves on a repeated, continuous, realistic basis.
By focusing their mind on what they want often obsessively and compulsively.
By gently and insistently DEMANDING their unconscious mind support them in getting shit done that needs to be done.
By paying attention to what works and doing more of that. By keeping track of their progress and celebrating their wins.
Giving yourself the suggestion that you will lose 100 pounds tomorrow is a “fail”. Not going to happen.
However giving yourself the suggestion that you will begin a weight loss journey today and step by step, by step keep at it and adjust your diet, your movement, your thinking until you get it, is damn POWERFUL hypnosis.
But it’s not MAGICAL. It’s not DRAMATIC. It’s not EFFORTLESS!
Except that when you get this alignment and communication right with your unconscious mind, it certainly FEELS magical and effortless because it is CONGRUENT.
This morning, exactly 60 minutes ago I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm wide awake and ready to write this article.
And now I’m off to do my Sunday Morning Music gig… Which BTW was something I suggested to my unconscious mind as a perfect way to do music without having to be on the road all the time.
Not magical? Feels magical. And I also like how it feels that I DID it, no one MADE me do it. I created it. I suggested it and my UCM delivered it in ways that are even better than I could possibly imagine.
That my friend is what I am here to teach you.
If you’re ready to get your diet and exercise shit together, check out my weight loss program: It’s Not Just About The Food and see if it’s for you.
Have a great day!
– Mark
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