What do I want to rant and rave about today?
How about the idea or concept of chipping away every single day at the activities that are the most important to the emerging sculpture of your life?
Key To Cowabungah:
Peak performance is a marathon not a sprint.
The reason it’s so important to understand what your “soul boners” are (check out the last 2 “rants:” Soul Boner 101 and Soul Boner 101 part 2), is that we only have so much time and energy. We are all going to fvcking die, so we might as well spend our limited time here on Earth doing what we actually WANT to be doing.
Does that make sense?
One of my mentors pointed out that our lives are a lot like chipping away at a piece of rock to create a beautiful sculpture…
So feel free to take some time to make sure the rock for the sculpture of your life is the best damn raw marble you can possibly find to carve. And then with a sculpture’s patience begin to chip away day after day… slow and steady.
The masterpiece that emerges may take some time. It may take a lifetime. But ultimately it will be your legacy.
Many of us long to make a difference with our lives. We long to look back from our death bed with the satisfaction of having lived, loved, challenged, changed, contributed, connected, even conquered.
Otherwise why are we here? What’s the point?
The point is YOU get to DECIDE what you are here to accomplish.
When you look around you will see most people following someone else’s agenda. Whether it’s the template laid down by religions, or by the cultural overlay of the corporate oligarchy and their media bombarding you with messages of consumerism and conformity, you don’t have to follow it. You can follow your own agenda towards your own desires.
I get a lot of personal pleasure out of “appearing to follow it” but inwardly and in every other way, following my own star.
Telling you guys the truth and helping you to overcome the obstacles and fears that the culture has “installed” in your unconscious mind is definitely one of my own soul boners.
So today’s action step “take away” is to open up some time every single day to work on the sculpture of YOUR life.
I have personally made a commitment to do the “most important for me” stuff FIRST in my day. AND last in my day.
I start out my day by making an incredible cup of coffee and then I come into my office and do my song blog for MarkShepardSongs.com.
Next, I work on this blog.
Then I work on whatever course I’m currently creating for you guys. Today it’s my “Master Your Mojo” course for guys who want to completely DESTROY performance anxiety in the bedroom.
AFTER I work on my most important projects FOR ME, I do the other shit that needs to get done. Throughout the day, during my meals or whenever I’m doing stuff like the dishes or gardening, I listen to thought leaders who inspire the fvck out of me.
EVENTUALLY, about an hour before heading in to bed, I’ll pick up my guitar and play for my own pleasure. Or I’ll break out the paints and canvases and do that. Or I’ll read. Whenever I need a break though out the whole day, I will either sit and open my mind to whatever needs my attention the most, or I’ll read something that affirms, challenges or supports my “path with heart”.
For me my best, most creative time is in the morning. My energy droops a little bit in the late afternoon so THAT’S when I run errands, work in the garden, exercise, return phone calls, check email etc.
No matter how much money I have rolling in, this is my daily agenda. No matter what women are in my life, this is my path.
By taking care of ME first. I’m a lot more fun and interesting to be around. LOL.
But the breakthrough for me came from COMMITTING TO MY OWN AGENDA FIRST.
You may have to go to bed earlier and get up at some crazy early hour in order to get your shit done first, before you head out to work for “the man.” Or you may have to get rid of your TV and the idea that after work you sit like a lump on the coach in order to “rest” from your busy day. If you are pursuing your soul boners in your free time, it will energize the fvck out of you.
The point is to be “the man” in your life, your projects, your business, your “sculpture” first.
This is not selfishness, although it may look like that to some people. Fvck them. This is about you living an authentic meaningful life. If you have to remind yourself a 1,000 times a day that you are going to die, THEN DO THAT…
It’s not a morbid thing it’s an urgency and motivational thing.
Did I make my point? Let me know your thoughts…
AFTER you get YOUR shit DONE! LOL
P.S. If you have any thoughts or questions or subjects you would like me to reflect upon in future videos, click the button below and contact me today.
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