Here’s a short sample of an article that was written about my work last year. I hope you enjoy it!
Read the whole thing at The Intelligent Optimist
It’s early afternoon in Arkansas, and a high school gym full of kids in assembly listens raptly to a bespectacled man with a microphone. “We have two minds,” he tells them. “We have our logical, analytical mind, and we have this other part of us where our emotions and feelings live. And that other part gets freaked out easily.”
This is not a lecture on neuroscience, as you might expect by now, but a session on how to -prevent bullying—and according to the -bespectacled speaker, bullying prevention is all in the mind. “The biggest problem with -bullying isn’t that someone’s going to hurt you,” he -continues. “The biggest problem with bullying is what goes on in your own mind.”
He presses a foot pedal, and his tone turns deep and ominous. “I’m gonna get you at the bus stop!” he growls. Students in the bleachers giggle. “But what if instead of making it into that monster sound in your brain, you turned it into this?” He presses the pedal again, and repeats the threat in a high, squeaky voice. The students laugh more loudly.
Read the rest of the article at The Intelligent Optimist
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