Think about it. At no time in the previous 100,000 years of human development have so many people done so much sitting. Our bodies are designed to move. Pretty much all the time. And yet a growing majority of Modern Humans make their living in sedentary ways.
Add to that the increase in processed foods and unrelenting stress, constant interruptions from cell phones, texts, emails, co-workers (and children) and you have a recipe for physical degeneration and chronic pain.
Even as I type this I am aware of how my shoulders and head are being pulled forward. Can you relate?
Dr. Joseph Mercola states:
Nearly 70 percent of costs associated with health care are due to preventable conditions, and new research confirms that spending long hours sitting down during commuting and working can play a significant role in the development of chronic disease.
In fact, a growing body of evidence suggests that sitting in and of itself is an independent risk factor for poor health and premature death—even if you exercise regularly. Researchers have dubbed this phenomenon the “active couch potato effect.”
Even the World Health Organization (WHO) now lists inactivity as the fourth biggest killer of adults, responsible for nine percent of premature deaths.
The following video contains a few rock solid, sensible tips for how to counteract the negative posture of sitting at a desk and typing or talking on the phone all day. Check it out.
REMEMBER to do these stretches GENTLY!
1. Doorway Stretch: Find a doorway and put your arms on either side and gently push into a stretch so your chest muscles begin to relax. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat through out the day.
2. Filing Cabinet Stretch: find a file cabinet or something else at shoulder height and stretch forward gently dropping chest towards the floor arching the back into an extension. Hold for 30 seconds.
3. Make excuses to move more! Forget the elevator! Take the stairs. Park your car as far away from the front door of your office as possible. Keep often used files and implements out of easy reach of your desk so you have to get up and sit down frequently throughout the day.
4. Start a practice of “Walk and Talk” meetings. Stop sitting around the conference table in your meetings. Walk and talk.
Health and wellness is not just about the food!
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