Felix Baumgartner, had to take a year off from training for his historic “Sky Dive From Space” in order to use hypnosis to clear his space suit induced claustrophobia as well as his anxiety about the dangers of the record breaking attempt.
For the full story visit this link: Why the sky dive from space almost didn’t happen – Full article
Sky diver Felix Baumgartner had to deal with some extreme dangers and conditions in order to complete his sky dive from space. He experienced claustrophobia in the space suit even on the ground. He was repulsed by the “rubber” smell inside the suit and as he ascended the pressure in the suit increased to near intolerable levels squeezing him necessarily but making it uncomfortable to breathe. He also missed the sensory experience he was used to in sky diving of the air moving across his skin.
This may be an extreme sport but many athletic endeavors from equestrian jumping, to pole vaulting to a baseball batter facing a 100 mile an hour fastball, carry with them the possibility of real physical harm. For many sports participants, success after an injury or a close brush with physical harm or even death, isn’t guaranteed.
That’s where Sports Hypnosis and Mental Toughness Training come in.
Retraining your Mind and Body to over-ride the anxiety of “what could happen” in order to focus on being in a relaxed and alert state where you can access all of your talent and training without having to think is one key.
Being able to trigger a physiological state of excellence is another.
And sometimes it even boils down to remembering how to actually have fun at your chosen sport.
Whether you are a weekend warrior or a promising young athlete you might want to consider exploring hypnosis as a way to get and keep the winner’s edge as well as to continue to truly enjoy your sport for a life time.
Have questions? Please feel free to give me a call toll free at 888-598-7709 or email me at HypnosisAlbany [at] gmail.com
or if you prefer, fill out the handy form below and I’ll contact you.
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