My “Rant” of the day…
It’s an interesting phenomenon. Google “anxiety” and a number of “helpful” “non profit” organizations pop up.
They are so eager to help and you get the usual compassionate sounding psycho-blather about Generalized Anxiety Disorder. “Some people have a chemical imbalance in their brain that causes them to get stuck in anxiety… but there are effective treatments available… see your medical professional…”
Here’s a very artsy little video that seems so innocent until the credits roll and in a split second you see that it is “supported by a grant from the American College or NeuroPsychoPharmacology”. Supported in this case means “paid for by”.
In other words it is a soft sell commercial for psychotropic drugs.
Check it out:
So my point? The drug companies own the media and their influence is sometimes subtle and hypnotic. The amount of pressure to use psychotropic drugs is insidious. And the reality is that these drugs are poorly tested and come with a huge variety of horrible side effects including “suicidal thoughts”!
My suggestion is that you question where all the information is coming from about anxiety. Question everything. There is so much money being made from selling psychopharmaceuticals that it dwarfs the economies of many countries.
It’s been said, “It’s bad if the patient dies but worse if the patient gets well.”
I am an advocate of a drug free approach. That should be obvious. And in full disclosure, I too have something to sell: My years of experience helping people CRUSH anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD and Phobias without drugs or endless talk therapy.
If you want to learn more about a drug free approach to stop anxiety and panic attacks, phobias and PTSD check out How to Stop Anxiety.
Ready to clear the fear… for good?
If you suffer from phobias, anxiety, panic attacks, shyness, GAD, social anxiety, approach anxiety, performance anxiety, fear of flying, fear of speaking in public, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), worry, nervousness or any other fear or trauma based challenge, I can help you clear the fear without harmful drugs or endless therapy through…
- My Clear the Fear Fast home study course: How to Clear the Fear Fast
- My affordable online self help course: How To Stop Anxiety Without Harmful Drugs or Endless Therapy
Whichever one is right for you each of these safe, proven, and effective methods can help you stop anxiety, panic attacks, fears and phobias… for good.
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~ Mark Shepard, NLPT, “America’s Stop Anxiety Expert”
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