In Today’s POWERFUL, TARGETED transformation Tip To Help YOU Master Your Mind For A Change we are gonna tawk about….
The SCOURGE of our modern world…
The Pestilence of “Stinkin’ Thinkin'” that causes uncounted millions of people to live lives of quiet desperation…
In almost every “case” with almost every client I’ve worked with since 2002, whatever the “presenting problem” seemed to be, the real problem was this:
Living life with an overriding sense of not being Good Enough.
YUCK! Blecch! LIMITING BELIEF ALERT! Ah oooo Gah! Let’s RELEASE it! Start now :o)
Here’s the video:
Your take away assignment:
Write one or all of these “Why” statements out by hand several times as well as say them, repeat them, CHANT them out loud or in your mind as you go about your day and definitely whenever you “Catch yourself” thinking a non self loving thought.
- Why do I deeply and completely accept myself?
- Why do I love myself so much?
- Why is this perfect?
- If I truly loved myself, how would I act right now?
- Why am I good enough?
- Why am I more than good enough?
- Why am I freaking FABULOUS?
I’ve already started creating a specific extended version of this post which will most likely end up in my new program, CRUSH anxiety FOREVER… or it may be a “stand alone” course… either way, I’m ON THE JOB with this one…
– Mark
p.s. Special Thanks To Paula S. and Margaret R. for asking about this and “sparking” this idea.
p.p.s. Please feel free to drop me an email and tell me how your own “not good enough” beliefs have stopped you or sabotaged you in the past.
p.p.p.s. Drop me a line and let me know if you are interested in exploring this topic in my next course.
photo credit: Copyright: jcjgphotography / 123RF Stock Photo
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