We’ve all heard the standard motivational speech. People who write down their goals are significantly more likely to actually achieve those goals then people who just “Tawk” about their goals.
In Today’s Mind Mastery Daily, I respond to Transformation Tribe member in good standing, Ronald who asked me for some help with setting goals so that they are not just more likely to happen but become…
I will detail the full process in a new Mini-Course which I will jump into as my “One Thing” for tomorrow.
Today, though I wanted to get you started on the right path. It all starts with focusing on what you want… This video is short and sweet and to the point.
And BTW one useful tool in setting goals is to find someone or some way of holding yourself accountable.
By PROMISING to get right on this goals setting module for tomorrow, I publicly committed to doing it. So guess what? I will most likely keep my promise (unless something else comes up that is more urgent LOL ) So we want to have someone hold us accountable but not in a tyrannical, rigid way.
Today’s take away is to focus on what you want.
Most people focus (folk-us) on what they do NOT want. And then they get it.
In my goal setting program I will show you precisely HOW to focus in on what you want in a way that makes it literally irresistible to your unconscious mind so that it immediately gets busy supporting you in actually getting it.
As I sing in my song, “Walk Through Roses”:
“We get what we focus on. So focus in on what you want…”
Got questions? I have answers and I want you to have them, so…
photo credit – Copyright: dogfella / 123RF Stock Photo
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