Love your work or work your love.
You can either find work you love…
or find a way to love the work you are doing right now.
Some people do stuff for fun that seems like a lot of “work”.
What’s the difference?
Well… DUH?!
The difference is all in how we THINK about “work” or “play” or “effort”…
But wait! there’s a back story…
I put in a good solid couple of hours this morning working on one of my deepest “labors of love”, “CRUSH anxiety NOW!”
When I asked my morning question, “What is the ONE thing I can do right now that will make everything else easier or unnecessary?” I got that I needed to work on “CRUSH anxiety NOW!” I had done a bunch of new modules a week or so ago and hadn’t yet edited them.
So BAM! I got that done. and then turned my sights on my Mind Mastery Daily video.
While I was in the shower thinking about what I wanted to play with today, the lights started acting weird…
Good thing I had a charged up battery in my camera.
So I went ahead and made the video but couldn’t edit it… or upload it… So I asked myself, What’s the ONE thing I can do to get this done?
The answer? STARBUCKS!
So here I am in the air conditioned coolness of Starbucks luxuriating in their free air conditioning and free wi-fi and an incredible number of attractive women in very short, shorts, and sundresses!
God I LOVE sundresses! God I LOVE hot weather!
Why do I fully embrace how AWESOME it is that there are Women in the world? I LOVE women!
As a Man I can TOTALLY appreciate the polarity of our differences! Viva La Differance!
Why DOES it work out better than I can possibly imagine?
Oooops! I guess I DISTRACTED myself LOL.
ok. Head Down. Focused. Here’s my Mind Mastery Daily video. Made FRESH for you! Freshly uploaded. With a FRESH powerful “take away”mission which, if you choose to accept it, might make the rest of your afternoon literally FLY by. :o)
Thanks for watching!
Transformation Tribe member Mike C. says: “Hey Mark I’ve got to tell you that your daily mind mastery videos and posts have really helped me to stay focused and motivated. Thanks!”
Thank you MIKE, for being an incredibly intelligent, FABULOUS action taking MIND MASTER! Rock on! COWABUNGAH!
Got questions? I have answers and I want you to have them, so…
photo credit – Copyright: photobac / 123RF Stock Photo
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