Today’s Daily Mind Mastery Tip is about becoming CONSCIOUS of the “well meaning” hypnotists all around us.
I’m referring to our FRIENDS and RELATIVES, and of course, our beloved CO-WORKERS who tend to (intentionally or unintentionally) drop into your unconscious awareness…
Random Suggestions that
Screw Up Your Day!
(cue the ominous music)
Here’s the story:
Here’s the solution:
- When I dropped the screw driver on my face, I REALIZED that I had inadvertently ACCEPTED my friend’s “fear suggestion” about the stuff in my car. So I STOPPED what I was doing and went upstairs and outside and just emptied my damn car. BOOM! No more fear thoughts about my stuff being stolen by the UPS truck driver or any “evil doer” who might wander down my little dead-end street in the middle of a Wednesday morning.
- I CONSCIOUSLY dropped MY OWN EMPOWERING suggestions into my unconscious mind with some why questions: “Why am I safe?” “Why is my stuff safe?” and of course several, “Why Does It Work Out Better Than I Can Possibly Imagine?” statements.
- Did some breathing, some grounding and got back to my original tasks at hand.
- I also made a renewed promise to myself to be on guard with this particular friend, so that his habitual fear or lack thinking patterns bounce off of me harmlessly.
- I acknowledged this friend in my mind as one of my “beloved teachers” who brought me the gift of this Learning Opportunity which has helped me to take my own “game of life” to the next level…
The thing to remember is that people all around us are saying and doing things that interact with our unconscious minds ALL THE TIME…
That is a fact of life. Not something to be afraid of, just something to be aware of and to take charge of as soon as possible.
The key to mastering your mind for a change, is to first become aware and then to take back your own “leadership”.
Unconscious minds are FOLLOWERS. Yours prefers to follow YOU.
But in the absence of YOU being the captain of your own ship, it will automatically latch on to other people’s suggestions. PARTICULARLY fear.
It’s up to each of us to cancel other people’s fear thoughts and reprogram ourselves as quickly and as powerfully as possible to get back to balance and empowerment.
It’s a practice. But it’s a GOOD practice.
May I drop in a suggestion or two for you?
Why DOES it work out better than you can possibly imagine?
Why ARE you safe and protected and more powerful than you ever realized before today?
And I will see YOU on the INSIDE!
– Mark
p.s. I cover about 30 different ways to interrupt and “reprogram” anxiety and fearful thinking patterns in my CRUSH anxiety Now! Course which is ALMOST ready for a MASSIVE worldwide release. For the moment I’m making it exclusively available to those of you who are interested in “beta-testing” the brand new program to jump in for a ridiculously small investment.
If you’d like to be one of my beta testers and give CRUSH anxiety NOW! a full run through, BEFORE anyone else, click here: CRUSH anxiety NOW!
p.p.s. Hey Transformation Tribe! Just heard from Merril who at age 66 just completed her first triathlon! GO MERRIL! COWABUNGAH! THAT is what we are “tawking” about over here! CONGRATULATIONS!
photo credit – Copyright: olegdudko / 123RF Stock Photo
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