Today I talk about your hero story.
This is the map from your past of how you actually deal with adversity or unacceptable situations in your life that you found a way to resolve. Chances are you have made powerful, significant change at some point in your life. You just did most of it unconsciously. Today we are going to explore the pattern of transformation that seems to be somewhat universal.
You have a problem. A stuck place. You keep attempting to resolve it but it snaps back into place like the “Rubber band theory” we talked about last week.
At some point you get serious. SOMETHING DIFFERENT MUST HAPPEN.
And that’s when your unconscious mind gets the message that the same old pattern is no longer acceptable.
It’s like the kid who kind of ignores the parents polite and gentle, loving tone of voice to “stay away from the neighbors vicious dogs”.
The kind parent explains, “those dogs could jump that fence. Do not tease them…”
The kid doesn’t really register the danger or the urgency of this message until…
The parent gets INTENSE about it.
Changes the tone of voice. Gets in the kids face. Makes penetrating intense eye contact.
and the kid has to repeat it back.
This is NOT about shaming the kid. It is about communicating the IMPORTANCE of that message and making it STICK.
So within your hero story is that necessary intensity that you had to go through until you finally had enough and did the same thing with your “inner child” aka your Unconscious Mind.
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