Hey TranceFormation Nation!
Are you Gentle or Fierce with yourself?
It’s Day “13” of the 90 Day Transformation Challenge… The world is still here! And we are ALL lucky to be alive!
One of the keys to living every single day on purpose, with passion and maximum creative output is to know when to push and when to rest.
I call this being “Gentle AND Fierce” with yourself. Today’s video is all about that.
Today’s Transformation Tune is all about the mythical place called “home” that really expresses the essence of today’s message. We need to create within ourselves this “home” This lover, this family, this tribe, this community that we crave and long for is really something we can give to ourselves. It’s not to be found “out there”, outside of ourselves. So be Gentle and Fierce with yourself today by being aware that you are exactly where you are… and it’s perfect. For the moment wherever we find ourselves is “HOME”.
Song #412, “I want to Go Home”
Have a great day!
– Mark
p.s. if you are someone who experiences anxiety or worry to the point where it is affecting your sleep, your health, relationships, career etc., check out my “CRUSH anxiety NOW!” Course and other programs. I’m adding more to the catalog all the time so check back frequently.
p.p.s. If you’re not yet a subscriber or member of the Transformation Nation, Discover all the cool stuff you get when you join us!
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