A transformational song for you…
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Beneath The Surfaces of Things
Song 485 | 7/14/14
Oh where did the world go?
Oh where did the world go
When we were kissing just now?
Have you been jousting with petty tyrants?
Shadow boxing with old fear?
Have you been grinding through The old dance
Like sand thrown into the gears?
Like sand thrown into the gears?
We are searching beneath
The surfaces of things…
We are searching beneath
The surfaces of things…
We are searching beneath
The surfaces of things…
What would it be like
To love your self?
What would it be like
To find your health?
What would it be like
To have a dream so huge
It’s IMPOSSIBLE to refuse?
It’s IMPOSSIBLE to refuse?
Sometimes the Spirit Speaks to You in whispers
Sometimes the Spirit tiptoes Through in slippers
Sometimes the Spirit …
Wakes you up like a rock thrown Through your bedroom window!
What if everything is perfect?
What if friction leads to fire?
What if fire prepares the soil?
So the seeds can grow
Much higher?
so the seeds can grow
Much higher?
Oh where did the world go?
Oh where did the world go
When we were kissing just now…
Copyright 2014 by Mark Shepard All Rights Reserved
Photo – Copyright: / 123RF Stock Photo
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