Whatever term you want to use or feel comfortable with, whether it’s “Self Love”, “Self Worth”, “Self Esteem”, “Self Value”, the more you have of it, the better your life…
Having self esteem makes EVERYTHING possible.
NOT having it makes us MISERABLE.
Just like I’m fond of telling you repeatedly that there is no hypnosis other than self hypnosis, there is really no LOVE other than self love.
If you love yourself you will attract people into your life who reflect that back to you.
If you love yourself you will take exquisite care of your body.
If you love yourself you will pursue work that you love.
If you love yourself you will be kind and patient with yourself.
The trick is actually PRACTICING the art of self loving.
Here’s a short exercise that you can do right now, today to start boosting your self valuing muscle. The video is only 5 mins. You are worth that small investment of your time and effort and attention don’t you think?
Got questions? I have answers and I want you to have them, so…
Photo credit – Copyright: donskarpo / 123RF Stock Photo
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