“Yes, Ethel, Being rich starts here.”
Today’s Mind Mastery Daily is a short, little TASTE of my soon to be released,
“How To Hypnotize Yourself
To Be Magnetically Attractive To Money” Course…
(Some times I call it “Hypnosis For Money” to make it shorter)
(Other times I call it, The Ultimate “How To Get Rich Quick Jedi Mind Trick”)
The idea is simple. Start noticing all the incredibly rich experiences you are currently not paying very much attention to…
Start with the mind set. We attract what we focus on and appreciate.
If you don’t already think you are rich, what ARE you thinking you are? Don’t answer that! Watch this next really short video…
There’s a LOT more where this came from in my new course which is up to 8 or 9 modules at this point. I will opening it soon for your VIP beta test so watch your inbox like a Black Crowned Night Heron watches the water… Speaking of which…
( I’m so RICH that I saw a Black Crowned Night Heron, A little Green Heron, a Coopers Hawk and a tiny little fly catcher called a Peewee yesterday evening as I strolled through MY vast “estate” (the rail trail between Delmar and Albany).
I also “Own” the largest park in the continental United States, called the Adirondacks, not to mention the Catskills… PLUS I have all these highway crews making sure my roads and bridges are safe for me to drive my AMAZING car on. A car, BTW, that was so well built ten years ago by my dedicated Toyota craftsmen that it STILL gives me fabulously dependable transportation to go wherever I want whenever I feel like it)….
Enjoy your MASSIVELY abundant, prosperous day today. I insist!
Got questions? I have answers and I want you to have them, so…
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