Do You Apologize Too Much?
Yeah. Me Too. Sucks doesn’t it? You just HATE it when you screw up huh?
This week I screwed up big time. And I apologized. But I WANTED to apologize about 300 times more than I did… LOL
Just another one of those old habits…
Today we take on the subject of apologizing too much. If you screw up certainly say you’re sorry…
Once. And then MOVE ON!
This apologizing over and over again HAS TO STOP.
Stop apologizing for merely EXISTING!
Because ultimately over apologizing is
and YOU are better than that!
Check out the video and let me know what you think.
So whaddya think? Your assignment today (should you choose to accept it), is to simply CATCH yourself in the act of saying sorry for the stupid stuff you’re not really sorry for… the moment you form the SO… sound… turn it into “SO! Nice weather we’re having today.”
or something else other than SORRY…
I am NOT saying you shouldn’t apologize to someone if you accidentally step on their foot or bump into them in a crowd. I’m saying that the constant stream of apologies from you for stuff that isn’t perfect about you needs to stop.
Why? Because you are AWESOME. You BELONG here. No apology necessary.
Got it? Get get ’em Tiger!
p.s. A shout out to new Transformation Tribe Members: Melinda, Jeremy & Chris. Welcome!
p.p.s. Transformation Tribe Member Merril, who recently completed her first triathlon at age 66, revved herself up with a little Honest Hypnosis and confirmed her “Connection to her conviction” with one of our recent Honest Hypnosis posts “Shred of Doubt”:
“Not sharing with others that I was doing this triathlon was protecting me from any doubt of my decision.
I think sharing with others might have sabotaged my goal a little. Often I heed the messages of others who said, I hadn’t trained…
I had a reaction to 4 vaccines at once and was going from 11 days of low grade fever and bed, to a triathlon.
I needed to remove any shred of doubt that I could do that. The 10 days leading up to and all during the race I was stating to myself the most positive loving affirmations which amplified my conviction.
I don’t recall having such positive energy for such a sustained period of time. Thinking about that in my writing adds to my joy of completion, and life change. I danced through the tri.. always staying in a mode that was loving to me..
I heard your message of trance of conviction. I did dance through the race.. COWABUNGAH! Your message so resonated as I am writing about my connection to my conviction! Thanks! – Merril
Go Get ’em Merril!!!! I celebrate your courage and conviction!!!
p.p.p.s. Can I ask you a question? Why are YOU awesome? Cuz you are on the Mind Mastery Daily email list right? You’re NOT? Well go ahead then and jump on board with the handy yellow form! And I will see YOU on the INSIDE!
Got questions? Success stories I can celebrate with the gang? Contact me baby!
Photo Credit – Copyright: pavelmidi / 123RF Stock Photo
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