The personal transformation process is basically the same whether you want to quit smoking, lose weight, stop being anxious or shy, get on an airplane fearlessly, or start speaking up in those situations where you always bite your lip and stuff your authentic emotions…
We realize we are doing something that is no longer serving us. We “wish” we could change. We “bitch” about the problem to anyone who will listen and then we just keep doing the same damn thing that we consciously don’t want to do any more… Until.
Until…. We can’t freaking stand it anymore and suddenly
Unlike the Butterfly struggling to emerge from it’s chrysalis guided by INSTINCT.
We humans have to LEARN how to transform ourselves and adapt.
Like the butterfly struggling to emerge from it’s old form into it’s new form, this is a very vulnerable and dangerous point because once you DECIDE to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT you are ready to take action…
You can go to talk therapy and talk and talk about changing.
You can get pills that are supposed to “solve your problem” but actually lead to more problems and more toxic drugs
You can go on a “diet” and start to work out in the same ineffectual way that didn’t work the last time (and you’ll probably give up the way you did last time as well)
You can ask your friends for advice. But no matter how well meaning they are they most likely don’t know shit about how to actually make changes that get you the actual results YOU actually want.
So many people get to what I call the “SWEET SPOT of MASSIVE FRUSTRATION & DISSATISFACTION” which is truly the fuel for transformation, but they don’t know how to light the fire intelligently and safely and then keep the fire burning until they get to their new level of personal mastery.
So how do you skip the dead ends and get on the right path to achieving what you truly want?
You find a mentor. A Coach. A Transformation and Change Specialist
You find someone who you can get to know safely and inexpensively and you try his stuff out. If it works, you check out some of his or her other stuff… if you honestly apply his or her suggestions and ideas and don’t get results, you move on until you find that person.
For me that process has worked really well with a few key online “masters” as well as certain authors. Robert Greene for example. His book “Mastery” is a must read for anyone who wants to pursue their MASSIVE, THROBBING, VISION for their lives… you read one of his books and you just HAVE to check out his other books.
The problem with MOST self help books is that they tell you what you “SHOULD” do. But they don’t teach you “HOW” to do those things.
For example, a typical self help book on “Success” will point out what successful people think and do. But not how to get yourself to actually install the new habit of thinking and taking action like that.
i.e. “Successful people take failure as feedback. They don’t give up just because something didn’t work out the first time the way they wanted it to. They keep applying their interest and energy learning from everything, particularly from things that bomb.”
Ok. Great. But how do You make THAT new attitude Your DEFAULT, knee-jerk reaction? Faster. Easier. Better?
And once You make that change, how do YOU KEEP the change?
The answer of course is HYPNOSIS.
Not because it’s some magical thing that “presto chango” does the work for you but because
HYPNOSIS is literally the process of communicating your conscious desires and decisions to your unconscious mind in a way that gets the actual results you want.
Does that make sense?
“I haven’t felt this good for a long time and it’s a great feeling. I just wanted to say thank you so much and I really appreciate all your help.” – Kent
What caused me to think about this was the course I’ve been working on for a long time now, “Stop Smoking Dammit!”
Most smokers know they “should” quit. Most smokers say they want to quit. But the majority of smokers don’t quit.
Their doctor says, “You should quit.” But they don’t quit because knowing they “should” quit and knowing how to actually master their mind and body enough to consistently create a new identity for themselves as “non-smokers” or “fresh air breathers” is not taught.
Unlike YOU, The majority of smokers don’t want to learn anything new. They would rather slowly smoke themselves into an early grave than actually face the discomfort of changing their filthy disgusting habit.
BTW that’s not a judgment on my part, that’s what most of my smoking cessation clients THEMSELVES have said when they finally come in to work with me for smoking cessation hypnosis. It’s only because their level of self disgust with the smell, the cost, the ravages of tobacco smoke on their bodies and relationships becomes UNBEARABLE that they start seeking help.
Speaking of seeking help, you might want to check out my brand new Kick Ass Kick the Habit program: “STOP Smoking DAMMIT!”
A lot of them will spring for a single hypnosis session but if that “fails” them, they are usually unwilling to roll up their sleeves and get to work on learning how to actually communicate with their unconscious minds. They would rather blame the hypnotist. And on they go with their habit of self destruction until the get to the next level of pain and self hate… Eventually when a person wants to change badly enough that they get congruent and emotionally charged enough to DEMAND a change of themselves the change happens relatively quickly.
And that’s what separates the successes from the wishful thinkers in every arena of human challenge and change.
The willingness to make a decision that carries them through the challenges and the dead ends to find the solution to the “problem” they want to solve.
The same pattern shows up in weight loss clients and anxiety clients.
The ones who “get” that I’m a coach and can save them valuable time, money, resources, by teaching them how to take charge of their change by learning a few simple things about how they are actually “wired”, get amazingly fast, long lasting results that they can then easily maintain for the long term all without any risk because my programs are totally covered by my iron clad money back guarantee.
And what’s even more satisfying to me, is that they are then able to see how the same exact processes and principles that they learned in my Stop Smoking Dammit! Course work on anything else they want to change or improve…
But what separates the successes from the not yet successful ones?
The right coach can help you get where you want to go faster, easier and better. You still have to do the work but the work you do gets you where you want to go with less wheel spinning, fewer dead ends and more consistent positive results.
This can be a tricky challenge in and of itself because there are a lot of self proclaimed “experts” out there who are good at marketing and not so good at actually providing value. And then there are the amazing teachers who are few and far between who are great at teaching but not so good at marketing.
And then there are the serious teachers who have dedicated their lives to learning everything they can about their areas of expertise as well as everything they can about how to deliver their expertise in ways that are so easy to comprehend and implement that progress is made rapidly and each new skill set builds the foundation for the next “Level-UP” in the “game of life.”
It is because of these kinds of teachers that I am still alive today. It is because of my own teachers who challenged and pushed me and taught me new ways of thinking and implementing, and adapting myself to my own life challenges that I have dedicated my own life to passing along the tools and techniques, the knowledge and wisdom that I draw on every single day to make my life magical.
Ultimately the only hypnosis that actually exists is SELF-HYPNOSIS.
You are the most powerful hypnotist on the planet.
“Hey Mark thanks for everything. You helped me clear out so much $H!t that was holding me back from experiencing success… and that was the beginning of EVERYTHING so thank you, thank you, thank you!”
– Michael Guerin================
But until you learn how to communicate effectively with your UNCONSCIOUS MIND, you are like a 5 year old attempting to drive a Ferrari. The Power is there. The vehicle is of the finest design and craftsmanship, but you don’t know how to get it into first gear much less get it to do your bidding.
I dare you to step in to your own personal power today. Start with the questions you ask yourself. Asking better questions is step one in accessing the unlimited power of your unconscious mind. It could be as simple as:
“Why do I DECIDE it’s TIME to get my shit together?” is way more powerful than victim questions like “Why can’t I ever succeed?”
or even better yet:
“Why do I DECIDE it’s TIME to get my shit together and get the kind of coaching that gets me what I want in life faster, easier better?”
Play with that question today. Write it out by hand at least 10-20 times. Take notice of what shows up.
If you have a specific question you’d like some help with. Drop me a line.
Contact Mark Shepard, “America’s Honest Hypnotist”
“When I woke up this morning I was thinking about my panic attacks. I could not remember that last time I had one! I used the techniques in your CRUSH Anxiety Program… Thank you so much for all your help.” – Robin
photo credit – Copyright: suradech / 123RF Stock Photo
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