One of the key traits that separates the people who live their dreams from those who never quite get their “stuff” together, is in the very private realm of honoring your own promises to yourself. Consider how it went the last time you made a solemn commitment to yourself.
How long did you honor it? How long did it take you to abandon yourself at the first opportunity?
Watch the video for my thoughts about keeping personal promises…
When we make promises to ourselves it is vital that we under promise and over deliver! Make a simple, realistic goal and then commit to it. If it helps to make a public announcement or to have a “mastermind” partner to hold you accountable, then by all means do that.
And yes, you heard it correctly. I’ve promised myself to do a personal mastery message every single damn day! And I’m backing it up by TELLING you I’m a gonna do it…. so now I actually HAVE TO!
But I wouldn’t make this promise lightly. So I only went public with it after a significant period of reflection and consideration.
P.S. If you have any thoughts or questions or subjects you would like me to reflect upon in future videos, click the button below and contact me today.
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