There are a a few key deciding factors among the people who seek hypnosis for help with changing their eating and exercise habits in order to lose weight, get fit and stay healthy.
The people who practice these keys succeed while those who do not continue to fail at losing weight with hypnosis as much as they have failed at all their other attempts.
Are you ready for the ultimate secrets to weight loss success to be revealed?
Key #1: Getting Conscious: You are not a victim you are a volunteer.
Here is what I am trying to get at. The people who come to me who want me to “fix them” and “make their changes” for them by waving my magic hypnosis wand, have missed this key point. Hypnosis doesn’t “cure” anything or anyone. Hypnosis is all about learning how to use your mind to get more of what you want and less of what you don’t want. When I give you suggestions, essentially I am delivering your own messages directly to your unconscious mind.
If you are stuck in “victim” mode where you view the world as being mean or unfair to you, or that your current physical condition “just happened”, then you are not owning your own experience and certainly not your own power. It didn’t “just happen”. You created it one fork full at a time.
Many of the people who approach me about working with them are unfortunately stuck. And I get that. My job is to empower you and teach you how to be your own best friend and personal hypnotist. I say this all the time: “Who is the most powerful hypnotist sitting here in this room today?…… It is the one between your ears.”
The reason hypnosis works so well for some people and apparently not as well for others is actually a false issue. Hypnosis ALWAYS works. But sometimes your “inner hypnotist” refuses to stop giving you the dis-empowering suggestions that you have been repeating over and over like a mantra for however long you may have had the problem of being overweight.
If you are ready to stop being a “victim” of your past “programming” and are truly ready to make a change now, you have to first realize that you on some level, conscious or unconscious, chose to create this current reality. Usually it was as a defense mechanism or as a “self soothing” or “self medicating” behavior that helped you get through a stressful or difficult situation. If you think of it as your unconscious mind attempting to help you as best it could with the information and resources it had available you are starting to get some insight.
And then there is the cultural and family programming which may not have consciously “volunteered” for but which at some level you chose to accept and internalize. We routinely reward children in our culture for good behavior with “dessert”.
One piece of the path to life long fitness and powerful, radiant health is “getting conscious”. The clients I have who are willing to do this succeed.
Key #2: Intelligent Persistence
Changing such a fundamental behavior as your eating habits requires consistent and continual support and reinforcement. As your hypnotist, I am competing with patterns you laid down when you were very young and that you have continued to reinforce through your own self hypnosis, self talk, beliefs, and a lifetime of “evidence” that you “can’t” lose weight and keep it off.
So it makes since that you might need more than a few sessions to clear that. Again, over the years I have seen this pattern with my weight loss clients. They show up for their first appointment terrified that I’m going to “do something weird to them” like make them quack like a duck. Then they are amazed at how normal and comfortable hypnosis feels. And they go home and immediately notice some differences, they slow down when eating or find themselves not craving carbs.
And they come to a few hypnosis sessions and think they have solved the life long challenge….
And then….
they have some kind of setback. It could be something stressful at work, or at home. But they react to the stress in their old way: by eating.
Instead of coming right back for a session they basically think, “Oh hypnosis didn’t work for me!” Which is actually NOT true. Hypnosis DID work but it was their OLD hypnosis that got triggered and it had so many years of reinforcement that our NEW hypnotic suggestions didn’t stand a chance. It was still hypnosis at work.
So these days I REQUIRE a minimum of ten sessions commitment. Period. It is simply for your own good. You WILL be challenged. I’m here to help you through the setbacks. We all have them. I’ve had so many setbacks in my life that I’ve started to “get” that they are not “setbacks” after all. They are simply opportunities to really test out and practice your new way of thinking/believing/being.
I know what it feels like to attempt to exercise the fat off and be frustrated, because a few years ago I signed up for a personal trainer and I went twice a week for 6 months to the gym. I did not lose a single pound or inch from around my belly. It was discouraging. My self hypnosis got me to the gym even when I didn’t really want to go. My self hypnosis got me to focus on the fact that I was getting stronger and I was learning how to use the various machines and equipment safely.
I had to “get to cause” myself. I couldn’t blame my personal trainer for my lack of results. I “should” have been makingmore progress So I took a hard look at all the pieces of my own puzzle. I looked really hard at what I was eating. And the truth was in my face. I had added grains and fruit back into my diet. I had stopped eating them a long time ago and felt great but then started to get a bit sloppy and added them back in. When I took ownership and got out of “victim” mode and got back to what I know works best for my particular body, (meat and vegetables with healthy fats like coconut oil and seeds and nuts and moderate amounts of raw milk products), I lost several inches within a matter of weeks. 2 and a half years later, I am closing in on my goal weight/size/shape. And I am loving my body, even at the advanced age of 52.
I do NOT advocate mindless persistence. Just look at the persistent people at the gym. Some people force themselves to go to the gym everyday for years but they do the same old exercises that haven’t been working. They just do them longer and harder. Eventually they give up.
Key #3: Curiosity, Willingness to Experiment and Openness to new ideas
I began to do massive amounts of research into ways to exercise that
- Took less time and got better results.
- I could do anywhere at any time
- Were totally accessible and affordable for literally anyone.
- I enjoyed.
Today I do a work out program that literally takes about 30 minutes per week that uses no fancy equipment, that I can do while waiting for an airplane or in a hotel room or anywhere I happen to find myself (yes that is correct. It is not a typo. 30 minutes per week)
The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution: The Slow Motion Exercise That Will Change Your Body in 30 Minutes a Week
I also work with a really good Pilates practitioner/trainer one hour per week specifically to strengthen my injury prone shoulders and really poor posture from years of cradling a guitar in my arms for thousands of hours… (more on this in another post).
I found out a lot about nutrition and effective exercise at Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website. I highly recommend that you get on his email list and start reading his articles. In fact every time I read one of his articles it inspires me to share something with you. Here is the article I read just a few minutes ago that I wanted to share with you. I started out just to share that one article but all these other ideas started pouring forth that I felt I had to share as well. “What’s In Your Condiments?”
I get that you want results and you want them fast. And you want results with the least amount of effort. Can’t blame you for that at all. Today we have so much available to us that it amazes me when I’m at the gym and I’m the only one using the advanced The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution: The Slow Motion Exercise That Will Change Your Body in 30 Minutes a Week to get my full workout in 30 minutes which actually builds muscle 2-3 times faster than traditional methods. I see people doing the same old boring cardio and risking serious injury with attempting to lift weights that are too heavy. Yet no-one ever asks me why I am doing my work out so, incredibly slowly (more on this in another post). Where is their curiosity? Where is yours? Are you open minded enough to learn? Are you coach-able?
If you already know all there is to know about getting the most bang for your buck with your exercise, why aren’t you slender? Fit? Strong? Healthy? You’ve got to have a burning desire to learn and an equally intense desire to put it into practice and test it long enough to evaluate whether it really works or not.
Key #4: Willingness to work on your “stuff” (and we all have stuff).
Sometimes it takes a bit of time and persistence to even uncover and bring up into consciousness the patterns of thought and behavior that might be contributing to your current physical reality. It’s like your unconscious mind won’t let you succeed until you get the real lesson, the life affirming, transformational lesson that it is trying to get you to understand and integrate into your whole being. Fitness and health is an inside job.
For most of my clients it is an issue of self hate. Until you start loving and accepting yourself, you will tend to keep getting sucked back into your old patterns because the old patterns have literally been set up to affirm whatever it is you believe about yourself. If you hate yourself because you have no will power or are fat or whatever, don’t you see that your unconscious mind will have to create that for you so that you are congruent?
But if you love yourself and take exquisite care of your amazing body so that you have a great place to live (I love the saying, “if you don’t take care of your body where will you live?”), you would never sit down and stuff an entire back of Cheetos into your face. Because that would not be “congruent”. Putting yourself into an “eating trance” and ingesting crap is not an act of self love. It is an act of self hate.
Key #5: Staying out of Deprivation Mode and Challenging Outdated Weight Loss Beliefs and Myths
I can not stress to you how important it is to not get conned into the old “Reduced Calorie Diet” approach to weight loss. You are probably living proof that “diets” do not work. When you deprive yourself of pleasure eventually you will have a personal backlash. Your body is not into suffering or pain. If you want to really mess up your metabolism and your mind, the old reduced calorie, low fat diet with hours and hours of boring cardio style exercise will stop you faster than a doughnut convention. In order to succeed in creating long term positive results that show up in a healthy, fit, strong body, you need a different approach to what has not worked before. By using your mind properly and getting support from a hypnotherapist to do it, you can not only find the internal leverage points that will release you form old, patterns and habits, you can actually begin to have more fun, more pleasure and more satisfaction in your life.
Depriving your self or being harsh or cruel to yourself in the interest of losing weight simply makes the need to self medicate with food that much more powerful.
So you have to stay away from deprivation. One way we do this is by making sure we are getting enough healthy fats like Coconut oil and Olive oil. Healthy fats help to satisfy your hunger, and help you to feel full sooner. Coconut oil contains Lauric acid which is one of the active ingredients of human mother’s milk. One reason a low fat diet fails is that it triggers your body’s “starvation mode” and as a result you are always hungry and you body begins to adjust it’s metabolism down because it thinks there is some kind of famine going on. So a low fat diet actually makes you miserable at the same time that it causes your to get fatter.
If you are willing to play full out and apply all 5 of the Keys to Lasting Weight Loss Results you will have success.
Just remember that you are the most powerful hypnotist in the entire world… for you.
If you need help accessing that power, consider adding a qualified hypnotist to your team. If you have questions or would like to contact me, please feel free to use the handy contact form below.
All the best
Mark Shepard, NLPT
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