Mark Shepard here with a new video for you that can help you to totally CRUSH shyness. It’s part of my new Course, “Shy Guy Help: The Cowabungah Confidence Installation System” which is currently in “beta” testing. I wanted to give you this video totally free of charge because I want you to understand what shyness really is and why it’s 100% possible to move beyond it, faster, easier, better.
In order to totally and completely DESTROY shyness (particularly around desirable women) it would probably be helpful to actually understand what it is.
Shyness and it’s near cousins, Social Anxiety, Approach Anxiety and Performance Anxiety are all forms of anxiety.
What is anxiety you may ask?
Anxiety is quite literally thinking about a future event and imagining it turning out horribly. It is usually based on a past event that was traumatic and it is a belief system set up to run on autopilot in your neurology that automatically pops you into “fight, flight or freeze”.
Your thinking, logical brain shuts the hell down and you are left with your ancient “Lizard brain” REACTING and attempting to SURVIVE.
In your mind, that cute hottie sitting over there has the power of a Saber Toothed Tiger. You are imagining being shredded or at least humiliated by her.
How do I know this? Dude! I’ve spent over 10 years clearing my own anxiety as well as working with HUNDREDS of thousands of men and women who were totally being destroyed by anxiety.
You can check out my CRUSH anxiety course if you want some serious help right away
Women have evolved some approach anxiety of their own…
As you are imagining walking over to her to say “hi”, SHE is scanning your body language, and a hundred other unconscious signals that cause HER to be anxious about whether you will creep her out or bore her to tears or threaten her or insult her or disgust her.
Her defense is to test you by either being rude, cruel, sassy or UNIMPRESSED.
- But what if you were totally relaxed and not even “into” her?
- What if in your mind she was unattractive or married?
- What if in your mind you had 20 things on your to do list for your Massive Throbbing Vision of your life purpose that were just filling your awareness?
- What if you imagined HER insisting on giving YOU her number?
If you imagine a different scenario and do it vividly enough with enough energy and passion behind it, YOU will feel differently in your body. And SHE will unconsciously NOTICE that energetic shift (because women are often guided unconsciously by how they FEEL around a certain man). If you are relaxed and unattached to outcomes, she will be able to be relaxed too. She is looking for your leadership.
Give it a try today…
Imagine being the cool, studly guy you KNOW you can be.
Want to do it faster, easier better? Check out my new course:
“Shy Guy Help: The Cowabungah Confidence Installation System”
It is currently available in “Beta” test ONLY for action taking guys like you who are on the VIP early bird list.
In the meantime, Breathe! Imagine a future where YOU call the shots with women… And THEY buy you shots… (if you’re into shots)… or GIVE you shots if you are in to playing doctor… :o)
p.s. got questions? Click Here To Contact Me