One of the immutable laws of our neurology is that we don’t just get what we focus on…
We get what we focus on the most.
Worry, stress, negative thoughts physically affect your body, and cause you to delete the good that is actually present in your life and distort and generalize the “not so good” so that you literally fill your consciousness with it. We all do it to some degree. But the smarter you are, the more likely you are to imagine a grim future… Ultimately, worrying is thinking about what you don’t want to have happen. In it’s extreme form we call it anxiety.
But it is the same thing: Focusing repeatedly on what you don’t want to happen for yourself or others.
It’s kind of like negative prayers. Why would you ever hold in your mind something bad for yourself or the people you love? What possible good would that ever do? For almost 20 years now I have helped thousands of people to stop the cycle of negative thinking, manage stress and release themselves from the burden of worry and anxiety. I started with myself and every day, I use my own tools to walk my talk.
Would you like to learn how to stop Negative Thoughts, Stress and Worry? Well, in the next few minutes You CAN learn how to stop it. Faster, Easier, Better.
Stress is not necessarily bad. UNRELENTING STRESS is bad. Ultimately stress is resisting what is. It is the wear and tear on your spirit from wanting things to be different than they are but feeling helpless and hopeless to change that does the damage. In this course, you will learn to stop it. Consciously thinking “positive” by using affirmations is not enough to actually influence your Unconscious thinking. It’s like putting frosting on a cow pie. We want to get rid of the sh*t altogether, not just cover it up. In this course you will discover something that blows affirmations away and literally gives you the power to positively influence your unconscious mind so that you don’t have to remember to be positive. You will just automatically focus on what’s good in every situation.
In one kick-ass, powerful, proven, simple transformation technique you will discover how to handle all three at once.
Please understand there’s a lot more where this comes from, but this is the one that I use the most, that I usually teach first because it’s fast, and empowers you to see and feel and hear results IMMEDIATELY.
I want you to have it. Free.
You could transform your life. Right now. Simply opt-in to join the Transformation Nation and get this course now. Give it a thorough test. If it’s not your thing that’s ok. You can unsubscribe at any time. No hard feelings… you’ve got nothing to lose. But Just to be honest, it will only be available for a short time. Then I’m going to add it to my other courses and charge the big bucks for it. Cool? You’ll get the course immediately and you’ll also then qualify to receive my Daily Mind Mastery Transformation Tip which will make a lot more sense to you after you experience this Transformation Training. Go ahead do it now and I’ll see you on the inside!
“Every time I see your Daily Mind Mastery tip, I instantly feel 100% better about everything, and it’s almost always relevant to what I’m dealing with in the moment. Thanks!” – Andrew