If you, your child, your students, your team want to master the inner game that is the ultimate “muscle” in the athlete’s “body” of competitive tools, doesn’t it make sense to learn how to train both the conscious mind and your unconscious mind?
Hypnosis has been the secret weapon of many top athletes for the past 50 years…
- Nolan Ryan – hall of fame Baseball Pitcher
- 1983 Chicago White Sox
- Phil Jackson and the Champion Chicago Bulls and L.A. Lakers
- Mary Lou Retton – Olympic Gymnast
- Jimmy Connor – Tennis Legend
- Champion Figure Skater Michael Weiss
- Felix Baumgartner the “Sky Dive from space”
- and many more
have all taken advantage of the edge that hypnosis gives for peak performance.
Peak performance on or off the athletic field is as much about the Mind as it is about physical fitness, talent and conditioning.
In the classic sports book, “Money Ball” by Michael Lewis, one of the key points is that Oakland A’s General Manager Billy Bean had all the physical talents necessary to be one of the greatest baseball players of all time but he lacked the ability to deal with failure. As a incredibly gifted young player he had it all.
But as an adult professional he tore himself to pieces mentally and emotionally.
Contrast his roommate in the minor leagues, Lenny Dykstra who had less talent perhaps than Bean but instinctively knew how to easily let go of past mistakes and focus on the present moment. Without the self defeating mental blocks he was able to actually use his talent to consistently create peak performance.
As General Manager of one of the lowest payrolls in baseball, Bean has been able to keep the Oakland A’s competitive by finding players who excelled at the Mental Toughness he had lacked as a player.
What often happens with talented young athletes is they show great promise and then get tangled up in the pressure to perform to the point where it causes them to “choke” or hesitate, or stop enjoying the sport altogether.
The worst part of it is that the self defeating thinking athletes begin to manifest on the field can also show up in other areas of their lives. The flip side of it is good news because when we can teach an athlete how to work with their Mind instead of against themselves, those lessons also show up in the rest of their lives.
Ultimately the challenges and opportunities of excellence in human endeavor go beyond individual areas of focus like sports, the performing arts or business.
Does the following describe you or someone you know?
- You’ve worked hard. You’ve trained hard, you’ve practiced diligently, you start out strong and still can’t quite bring it all together in competition.
- You have times when you are “in flow” but don’t know how you create that when you do or you can’t quite seem to stay in the flow. Other times you just can’t access your talent no matter what. Nothing seems to work. You don’t know how to break out of the self defeating slump.
“You can practice and train all you want but if your mental game isn’t there, if you have doubt or fear or are stuck in a slump, you can forget it.” – Craig Sigl, Internationally recognized sport hypnotist.
Ever heard the saying “he/she’s got heart” or ” is playing way over her head…or up to her potential?”
Whether you know it or not, You can learn how to consistently access the KEYS to mental toughness and eliminate the mental blocks holding you back. You will discover your best athlete using Sports Hypnosis.
Get excited because your program for sports and athletic success has been create especially for you! Your powerful Sports Hypnosis program includes:
- Peak Performance Thinking / Mental Toughness Training
- Increase Confidence
- Turn Failure into Empowerment
- “Re-Program into your neurology” positive new automatic ways to respond to mistakes instead of beating your self up, getting angry, depressed or discouraged.
- Eliminate “choking”, fear of losing, timidity or tentativeness after injury
- Overcome Adversity
- Getting back in the Game, getting back on the horse…
Whether your sport is
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Football
- Lacrosse
- Field Hockey
- Swimming
- Wrestling
- Rowing
- Weight Lifting
- Horseback Riding
- Track and Field
- Gymnastics
- Rock Climbing
- Skiing
- Vollyball
- Cheerleading
- Hockey
- Cycling
- Skating
- Roller Derby
- Diving
- X-Games
- Triathlons
You might discover that the key to consistent peak performance is between your ears…
What do you get when you choose Sports Hypnosis Now?
You get to learn an easy to use system of practical mental tools that can give you the edge on the field and off.
- Get control of your thoughts
- Mental Mastery system which turns you into someone fearless
- Self hypnosis, Guided Visualization, Self talk, The Neuro Linguistics of Success
- Internal Conflict Resolution
- Overcome the curse of perfectionism, fear of failure, doing fine in practice then “choking” under pressure of the actual game or competition,
- Clear the mental blocks and baggage of negative and limiting beliefs,performance anxiety, fear of being hurt
- Audio recordings and original music to reinforce our work together
- How to trigger a Champion state of mind.
- Tailored personally to you. In person sessions in the Albany NY area or phone/skype sessions throughout the US and Canada
Interference patterns are getting in the way, clear them and your natural potential comes out.
Most importantly You learn specific, easy to remember tools to use on and off the field to get an almost unfair advantage over your competitors.
If you have questions or would just like to get started today feel free to call my toll free number 888-598-7709 or email me at Mark [at] MarkShepard.com
or if you prefer use the handy form below and I’ll contact you!