What is it for you?
- Shyness
- Approach anxiety
- Performance anxiety
- Fear of rejection
- Shame around your sexuality
- Awkward conversations
- Avoiding or getting out of the dreaded “friend zone”
- Healing a broken heart
- Dealing with breakups
- Getting back into the dating world after years of monogamy
- Erectile dysfunction
- Premature ejaculation
- Virgin at an older age
The list for challenges for the modern man around attracting, dating and relating to women is huge.
Then toss in the fact that several generations of men now have been raised by women, taught by women in our schools and humiliated and rejected by women along the way.
Like many of us from an early age you were taught to be a good little boy to please the powerful, dominant women in your life… So you’ve been doing and saying and being who you thought women wanted you to be only to discover that for some mysterious reason the ones you want don’t want you!
Or you manage to get in to a relationship only to discover it is a trap and a mine field of tiptoeing on eggshells to keep from pissing her off and losing the precious access to her sexual favors…
Having sex for you is “getting lucky”.
Dude. I hear you and I feel your pain. Been there. Done that. It sucked.
The bottom line is you no longer have the luxury of attracting the woman of your dreams by bringing home a wooly mammoth for dinner!
Of course there are a tone of assholes online teaching you how to “have game” or “the art of pick up.” Some of it’s useful but most of it is blatantly incongruent with your deepest core values and deep respect and delight in the feminine. There are paradoxes and tests that you have to navigate. There are hard ways and easy ways. I’ve been through most of it and I am here to help you out.
Ultimately you are in MASSIVE luck because as a man you can actually LEARN how to stop doing the stuff that turns women off and start doing the things that create an irresistible magnetic attraction for women…
Along the way, everything you will learn here will also gently kick your ass along the path of PERSONAL MASTERY in EVERY AREA OF YOUR LIFE.
Are you ready?
Here’s all you have to d: Subscribe to my frequent newsletter. Not only will you get one of my best tools and techniques for rapidly destroying shyness, I also share with you my personal insights, triumphs and challenges. Like my most recent experience with being bitch slapped into the dreaded “friend zone” and how I turned that shit around and ended up with not just one great woman lusting after me but two amazing ladies who fvcking adore me and love sex as much as I do.
Ready to get started? It’s free!