Here’s the next video in the “ShyGuyHelp: Cowabungah Confidence With Women” Series.
If you want to actually affect your life, actually do the exercise in the video!
Imagine looking back on your life from your death bed or in this case “couch”.
First imagine looking back on a life that, because of your shyness around women, was lonely, or filled with “settling” and disappointments in your relationships with women.
Because you never got what you wanted, maybe you ate too much crap or put up with too much crap at work…
How does that feel?
Hopefully it feels shitty enough to motivate you to take the next step:
Now go out to your deathbed and turn and look back on a life where you made friends easily, where women literally got “turned on” sexually just from being around you… look back and imagine learning the key principles, tools and techniques that empowered you to totally re-write your future in a way that totally JAZZED you up. Get MOTIVATED! You can totally and completely CRUSH the old shyness “program”.
I did it and I’ve helped my private clients to do it. But Don’t take my word for it.
When you’re ready to join the course click below. This course is currently in “beta testing” which means that for a very limited time only you can get it really cheap if you agree to give me feedback.
The reason I want feedback because I INSIST that this course totally and completely blow you away. I want to Empower you to take the next step in CRUSHING social anxiety so you can CRUSH your dating and relating life.
Want to HIT IT OUT OF THE PARK? Want to install calm confidence it faster, easier better? Check out my new course right NOW!:
“Shy Guy Help: The Cowabungah Confidence Installation System”
It is currently available in “Beta” test ONLY for action taking guys like you who are on the VIP early bird list.
p.s. got questions? Click Here To Contact Me
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photo – Copyright: / 123RF Stock Photo