The most challenging concerns that tend to come up. If you have one that isn’t mentioned in this video, please let me know and I will add it to the list.
Here’s the list of the 15 Mojo Murderers…
- Rejection
- Embarrassment
- Shame
- Pregnancy
- STD’s
- Abandonment
- Childhood trauma
- Condom
- Loss of attraction (i.e. she got fat and bitchy)
- Fatigue
- Lack of honesty
- Lack of time
- Lack of privacy
- Distractions
- Closed heart
In case your too much of a lazy ass to watch the video. The assignment is to go through each of these fears or issues that apply to you and run them viciously and repeatedly through the EFT tapping process as well as catching any limiting beleifs that come up and consciously get the negative, toxic beliefs OFF of your true beliefs position on your mental movie screen. Pull in and INSTALL new, empowering beliefs.
For example: Even though I’m afraid she’ll reject me [or humiliate me] [or embarrass me] [or be angry with me] if I don’t fix this problem, I deeply and completely accept myself. Then tap.
As always, let me know if there are any mojo killers that I didn’t mention and I’ll add them.
Practice. Practice. Apply. Apply. This shit works if you work it.