Songs designed linguistically to support your personal transformation and change. These songs are actually “wide awake” hypnosis sessions. Allow them to get stuck in your head and they significantly replace any of that negative self talk that has been hypnotizing you to be miserable, depressed, anxious, addicted to foods or “substances”. Give it a shot.
To explore more of my songs visit: or
My most popular song, “Together We Can Change The World”
This song, “Paying Attention,” perfectly supports a quieter, more meditative state where you can hear the “still, small voice”…
“Be The Change” was written for the Albany Peace Project. Use it to support your own meditation or self hypnosis practice.
“Eyes On The Horizon” is literally a weight loss hypnosis session. Seriously. Try it. You’ll like it! :o)
“Rise Up And Dance” is one of the first songs to integrate the personal transformation work in my own life. The 3rd verse is a challenge that I believe helped to move me “along the path with heart”. You can use it the same way.
“Lift Me Up” is inspired by traditional “shamanic” or native healers in many cultures.
“Minstrel Fires” The pivotal point of transformation captured in a song…
“It Calls To You” Pay attention to that still small voice that is speaking to your heart…
“Lucky!” This song has embedded “Why” questions as well as my favorite mind master tool, “Why Does It Work Out Better Than You Can Possibly Imagine?”
“Thirsty For The Sky” A song about that big dream of yours…
“Arise, Arise” A song about going for it…