Have you noticed that the weather is rarely the same from day to day?
Sometimes I look around for new ways to understand the human psyche.
Today the weather is providing me with a good model for what’s going on inside your world.
It’s mid July here in Albany NY and today is just about the most perfect summer day you can imagine.
Right now it’s 7:30 in the morning and cool enough for me to be wearing sweats and a fleece. The sky is totally clear. Robin’s egg blue. The humidity is low but not too low. The birds are singing. Cucumbers and tomatoes are showing up on the vines in my garden.
Ahhh! It feels soooooo good to be alive!!
But to expect this particular weather to continue indefinitely is simply wishful thinking.
It will change.
That’s the nature of weather. Probably it will start warming up again as the sun gets higher in the sky. I’ll take off my fleece. I’ll change into shorts and a tee-shirt. I will adjust to the external conditions. But whatever the weather I won’t take it personally.
It just is.
Tomorrow it may be cloudy and rainy. Or it may be hazy, hot and humid. I don’t like hazy hot and humid.
But the weather doesn’t care what I like. It is going to do whatever it is going to do and I don’t have any control over that.
So what? I could waste my energy and time complaining about the weather but I can’t change the weather.
What I CAN change is my thinking about the weather.
I have the ability to adjust my behavior and thoughts about what is happening “outside”.
What about the “weather” in your relationships?
- Cool and breezy?
- Stormy and ominous?
- Warm and fuzzy?
Whatever is going on in your life can be affected by the “weather” of other people. At home. At work. Wherever you happen to be.
You can allow the moods and behaviors of other people to make or break your day. Or you can enjoy the whole thing. Be amused by it. Notice and observe. Learn from it.
And inside you? No matter what the weather outside or the “weather” of your friends, family, co-workers, you can have a calm, clear, sunny day inside YOU.
THAT you have control over. You may not realize that you have control over your own emotions, your own internal “weather” but you actually do. You do NOT have control over what other people think or say or do. But you DO have the option of CHOOSING YOUR own thoughts.
Your Mind Mastery Practice Tip for Today:
Imagine EVERYONE else in your day to be computer generated characters in a “holo-deck” simulation game. They are all saying and doing things that challenge YOU to step up your game to the next level. Anything they say or do that annoys or “triggers” you? Well that’s their JOB. They are specifically in the game to push your buttons. To see if you will “lose it” under the pressure of their annoying behavior.
Smile and tell yourself, “I can do this!” or better yet say this to yourself over and over:
“Why does this work out better than I can possibly imagine?”
Then pay attention to how the “weather” shifts.
Play with the idea that you can take your internal “weather” wherever you go…
So today master your mind for a change! Take only the best weather with you.
If you have trouble regulating your internal weather, you might want to check out my CRUSH anxiety NOW! Course.
It’s packed full of powerful mind mastery tools you can use daily to destroy the clouds and storms in your thinking and behavioral patterns. It puts you fully and completely in charge of your internal states. And it comes with a full money back guarantee.
photo credit – Copyright: iakov / 123RF Stock Photo
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